1 minute read

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By /@c/a Sawn

Agc not guarantecd---Some I havc told for 20

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Dog Eaters

Heard a fellow talking interestingly the other day about the world as we find it, and American short-sightedness in particular, and he said something like this:

"Now take the Chinese. How terribly we have always misunderstood and underestimated these splendid people. We have been in the habit for a generation of referring to them as "the heathen Chinee," apparently forgetting that the oldest and finest libraries on earth were the property of the Chinese long before our ancestors could read or write. And in many other ways we misunderstood the Chinese.


I. K. Campbell, Jr., of the USNR, son of I'. K. Campbell, Kansas City, Missouri, wholesale lumberman, after an intensive training at the U. S. Naval Air Station, Quonset Point, Rhode Island, has been commissioned a Lieutenant (Senior) and assigned to the Naval Air Station at Alameda, Calif.

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