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Amendment No. 1to Lumber Freeze Order

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Title 32-National Defense

Chapter IX-War Production Board

Subchapt-r B-Division of Industry Operations

Pa* L2?S-Construction Lumber


No. L-121

Section t225.1 (General Limitation Order No' L-121) is hereby amended in the following respects:

(a) Paragraph (a) (1) is amended to read as follows:

(l) "Construction Lumber" means any saweds-oft- ' wood lumber of any of the following specifications, whether rough, dressed on one or more sides or edges, dressed and matched, shiplapped, or grooved for splines:


(i) Any joists, planks, beams, stringers or t!rybers of any softwood species, in Grade No. 1 and all structural stress-grades, in nominal sizes of 3 inches thick and thicker, by 4 inches wide and wider, by'ten feet long and longer.

Anv common dimension of any softwood rp.ii." in Grade No. 1 and Giade No. 2 (or their equivalents) in nominal sizes of 2 inches thick, by 4 to 14 inches wide (inclusive), by 10 feet long and longer, including, but not limited to, common .dimension which is dressed to not less than lfu inches thick.

(iii) Any common boards in nominal sizes of I inch thick, by 4 inches wide and wider, by six feet long and longer, including, but not limited to, common boards which are dressed to not less than )/a inch thick, in the following species and grades (ot their equivalents) :

(a) Western red cedar, Douglas fir, West Coast hemlock, or Sitka spruce: Grade No. 1.

(b) Southern pine or redwood: Grade No. I and No.2.

(c) Cypress, White fir, Eastern hemlock, 'Western larch, Idaho White pine, Jack pine, Lodgepole pine, Northern white pine, Norway pine, Ponderosa pine, sugar pine, eastern spruce, Englemann spruce, Western White spruce, or tamarack; Grade No. 1, Grade No. 2 and Grade No. 3.

(iv) Any drop siding, standard patterns, No. 105 and No. 106, in standard lengths 4 feet and longer, in the following species and grades (or their equivalents) :

(a) Western red cedar, Douglas fir, West Coast hemlock and Sitka spruce; Grade D.

(b) Eastern hemlock: Grade D and Better, Grade No. 1 and Grade No.2.

(c) Southern Pine: Grade C, and Grade No.2.

(d) Cypress, Western Larch, Idaho White pine, Northern White pine, Norway pine, Ponderosa pine, sugar pine, eastern spruce, Englemann spruce, or Western White spruce: Grade No. I and Grade No. 2.

(") Ary finished flooring, standard match, 25/32 inch thick by 2/s inches and 3r/a inches face widths, in standard lengths 4 feet and longer, in the following species and grades (or their equivalents):

(a) Southern pine: Grade C and Grade No.2.

(b) Douglas Fir, West Coast hemlock, or Sitka spruce; Grade No. 1.

(c) Eastern hemlock: Grade D and Better, Grade No. 1 and Grade No.2.

"Construction Lumber" does not include any of the standard grades of factory lumber, shop lumber or box lumber; or the standard grade of No. 1 Heart Common in Western red cedar, cypress and redwood; or railway ties.

(b) Paragraph (a) (2) is amended to read as follows:

(1) "Producer" means any manufacturing plant, concentration plant or other establishment which processes, by sawing, edging, planing or other comparable method twenty five percent or more of the total volume of logs and lumber purchased or received by it; except that "Producer" does not include any sawmill which produced less than 5000 feet, board measure, per average day of eight hours of continuous operation, during the ninety days preceding the effective date of this Order, and does not include any establishment known in the trade as a local retail yard whose operations are confined principally to distribution lumber locally and which processes as an incident thereto for the servicing of customers.

(c) Paragraph (b), (1) is amended to read as follows:

(1) During the period of sixty days next following May 13, 1942, no producer shall sell, ship, or deliver (including delivery by a producer to any distribution yard of such producer) any construction lumber, except that:

(i) (a)Any producer may sell, ship andlor deliver (either directly or through one or more intervening persons) any construction lumber to be delivered to or for the account of the Army, the Navy, The Maritime Commission, the Panama Canal, or Lend-Lease Governments, or which is to be physically incorporated into buildings, structures or material, or used for packing, boxing, crating or stowing for shipment of material, which will be so delivered; but in the case of sales, shipments or deliveries through intervening persons, only if there is endorsed on the purchase order or contract for such construction lumber the following statement, signed by the purchaser oi by a responsible official duly desig- nated for such purpose by the purchaser:

All construction lumber covered by this purchase order (or contract) ii to be sold, shipped, and/or delivered in compliance with paragraph (b) (1) (i) (") of Limitation Order L-121 with the terms of which I am familiar.

Name Byt


(b) Any producer may sell, ship and/or deliver (either directly or through one or more intervening persons) a"ny construction lumber to or for the account of any contractor or subcontractor of the Army, the Navy, the N{aritime Commission, the Panama Canal, the Defense Plant Corporation or I-end-Lease Governments, when such construction lumber to be used for plant construction or expansion for manufacture or processiry 9f material for the Army, the Navy, the Maritime Commission, the Panama Canal, the Defense Plant Corporation, or Lend-Lease Governments, or for the tpinjry of personnel of the Army or the Navy, if such construction or expansion project is rated on Preference Rating Certificate PD-3, PD-3A or PD-4 or under any of the P-19 series of Preference Rating Orders or the P14 series of Preference Rating Orders; bqt only if there is endorsed on the purchase order or contract for such ionstruction lumber the following statement, signed by a contracting or inspecting official of the Army, tfie Navy, the Maritime Commission. ihe Panama C1qal, the Defense Plant Corporation, of l-end-I-ease, as the case may be: The construction lumber covered by this purchase order (or contract) ii required by the purchaser, actually to be put into construction during-the period this order is in effect, andlixty days thereafter. The construction Iumber is to be used for construction (or expansion) of facilities for the manufacture or processing of material for the Army, the Navy, the Maritime Commission, the Panama Cana-. or Lend-Lease Governments. or for the training of personnel of the Army or the Navy which construction (or expansion) is rated on preference Rating Certificate (or Order) Num- ber... Serial Number........ . (.) 4"_y producer may sell, ship andl or deliver (either directly or fhrough one or more intervening persons) any construction lumber to 1i for tlie aicount of any Operator as defined in Preference Rating Order p .56 or anv Operator as defined in preference Rai1ng Order P .58 or any producer as de- fined in Preference -Rating Order p .73, for the purposes stated"in such orders: but only if there is endorsed on the purchase order or contract for such construction lumber the following statement, signed by the pur.h"r., o?

(Continued on Page 16)

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