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Honor Thv Soldier and Thv Sailor


During the first World Wcr the Arnericcrn Congress pcrssed cnd mcrde ellective c lcrw thcrt they called the Civil Rights Bill. It provided lor legcl protection of the rights ol men in our cnned services. [t wcs scid ct thct ]i-e thct this bill took its plcrce in history cs the most libercl legislcrtion ever lcnown Ior the protection ol the nctionjs defenders. This bill wcrs prccticclly reenqcted in 1940 under the title oI the Soldiers crnd Sailors Civil Reliel Act, and is now in lull lorce qnd eflect.

It might well be cclled the Divine Rights Bill lor men in the crmed services, or Uncle Scrm's Ten Commcndnents. The crctucrl words ol the lqw cre lolrger qnd more detcriled, but shortly cnd tersely, THIS is what this law provides:

Thou shcrlt not evict lor non-pcryment ol rent cr soldier'e dependents.

Thou shqlt not cut off cr soldier's life insurcrnce becquse ol delqyed premium pcyments.

Thou shclt not loreclose cr mortgcge on q soldier's property.

Thou shalt not tqke qwqy a home on which cr soldier hcrs mcrde part payment.

Thou shclt not sell the property ol cr soldier beccuse ol his lcilure to pcry tqxes, nationcl, stcte, or locql.

Thou shclt not settle cr lqwsuit cgcinst a soldier during his crbsence.

II a soldier sues in the courts, the courts shcll postpone cction until he ccn attend to it.

II q soldier hcrte q mine, or timber, or larm clcrim, crssessments on which qre over-due, it shcrll be held lor him.

Honor thy soldier cnd thy scilor thct thy dcrys m<ry be long in the l<rnd ol liberty.

No mcn hcth grecrter love thcn this thct he oflereth hie lile lor his country's sqke, qnd it is therelore commcnded by this law thcrt neither lcwyers, nor locn shcrks, nor gctherers oI titles shcll lqtten on him.


Egsential \Var Housing Units Now Under Construction Given Relief bv \fPB

Washington, June Z-More than 100,000 of the most essential war housing units now under construction have been given relief from the restrictions on lumber deliveries contained in limitation order L-12I, it was announced by WPB today.

After thorough investigation by the National Housing Administration and the WPB Lumber and Lumber Products branch, these war housing projects were selected as the ones whose completion \Mere most urgently needed in the war effort.

John B. Blandford, Jr., National Housing Administrator, reported that construction activity on these projects would have ceased almost immediately unless relief had been granted.

The 100,000 war housing units involved are divided almost equally between those publicly financed and privately financed. All of these projects are being constructed to house war workers and employees of war production plants and military and naval establishments, where the local retail lumber stocks are not sufficient to permit the completion of the projects.

The public and private war housing projects covered on the Pacific Coast and the number of dwelling units involved follow:-California: Long Beach (Compton), 500; pittsburg-Antioch, 86; San Francisco, 4O; and Vallejo, Z,ZO0. . Oregon: Portland, 400. Washington: Bremerton , Z,7SO; Keyport, 30O; Seattle, I,750; Kirkland, 100. Vancouver, 4,0m.

Private Projects: California: Oakland-Alameda, 2,ffi0 Richmond, 1,500; San Diego, 550; Vallejo, 500. Oregon: Portland, 900; Washington: Seattle, 1,5CI; Tacoma, 300; Vancouver, 250.

East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club

Officers, directors, committee chairmen and past presidents of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39, held a dinner meeting at the Claremont Hotel, Berkeley, Jane 2.

Major Irwin E. Farrington, Coordinator of Selective Service for the 2nd District of California, spoke to the group on the subjedt of "Selective Service."

President kwis A. Godard presided. He announced that general meetings of the Club will be resumed in September.

Glen Burke And Pierson Plummer In Army

Glen Burke and Pierson Plummer reported to the Army Mav 29 f.or three months preliminary training, after which they will go to an officers' training camp.

Both were with the Union Lumber Company. Mr. Burke was d salesman covering the Northern Sacramento Valley and Sohoma lounty territory, and Mr. Plummer was assistant to E. L. Green, general manager at Fort Bragg.

Change In Name

The name of South Sound Lumber Sales, Inc. has been changed to Simpson fndustries, Inc. The management and policies of the company remain unchanged.

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