2 minute read
The Fundamentals of Retail Lumber Advertising
Since ever5r iscue of TFIE CAUFIORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT will carrfr a messag€ to the retail lumbermen of California concerning the variorn fundamentalr that go to nake up what is called llflodern Merchandiring, it may be srise to outline in advance these eubjects
We hold ttrat the primary job of the Modern Building Merchant ir to do the BUILDING THINKING for his com. munity. Tberefore we will dilcuss the variour phases of building thinking, o'r COMMERCIAL IMAGINATION, ar it is frequcntly called.
We believe that a buriners ie frequently judged bv itr g€o€ral appearance, and that raush of itr efiectiveners in public aen'ice depcndr upon itr equipmenL Theref,ore we will have much to ray about the EQUIPMENT of the hmrber dealer.
He murt do their planniniy for them, frnbh them with their building PI-ANS of the nort practical, attractive and ratirfactory character. Therefore we will diecrrlc the uro of PLANS and PIAN SERVICE.
He must profierly dirptay his goodr to dernonstrate thGir USES, becarre peoplc buy buildi"s materiab, not to HAVE THEII{, bqt becaue of what they will BUILD and DO. So we will discusc dirplay and eervice departmentr for retail hunbe'frnen"
We be,lieve ttat a dealer ".tr"t propedy retve hir trade rnrlece he KNOWS hir trade, peruonally and intimately. Therefore we will dircuss the PERSONAL EQU^A,TION in burinece, the art of making friendq and the vdue of friendrhip ability in $Uing building material.
We how that a dealer cannot properly SUPPLY his trade with their building niedr rmtil he Lnowc what tlroce needb ARE. Therefore we will discrsr PROSPECT USTS by whicb the retailer keepa track of the buitding NECESSITIES of hir lctling territory.
If a merchant har the ability, and the equipment, and knorv:r his people and their building needq there is another very poyrcrful requirement He rnurt ADVISE THEIVI OF HIS WELINGNESS AND ABILITY AND EQUIPilIENT for lpplyrng thos€ need3. Therefore we will discrns retail dealer PUBLICITY and ADVERTISING.
And when he has tlrcm ALL, he hrs rtill to make the connec{ing link between necessity and desire on ooc hand, arrd frdfillment on the ot[er. Therefore we will dircusr SALESMANSHIP-Ihe moat interesting su'biect on earth ncxt to the atudy of God and Man.
We believe that the REAL ber deder b to intelligently and FATHER the building bucinerc in it ir HIS job to ree that every family in together erdtable with their pocsecoionE, are HOUSED and ratisfactory way posible.
So we will diecrrs every phase of thir opportunity. It ir a rvondcrful rtrdy, this bainerr of rupplyins the buitding needs and tbe HOMES of thir nation, and it ir a hrsircss that doem't 'jurt happen"" It hac to be planned and executed, and itt succe$ depends upon the quality and quantity of the planning and the execrtion.
The building nerchant ir either one of two thingt. He ir eitber the greeteet blersing hir com,rmrnity knorm in a burbe$ wey, or he ir a great detrfun€nt to that conmrnity.
And the wayr and mcant by which f,g 3hrtt bcttd serve hir comnr"qity, hir hginecr, arrd hir indutry, arc t'lre thitrg" that rhatl be thororryhly investieated and dirurrcd in thge colurnno in evqry irsge "fiorn ngtw oor,t ar the colored ge4t taid when he arrived in the ..Pen', and they arked hin how long he was going to stay.