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WeayerR00f Company lfow is 0perating What is Asserted to be Most Etficient Plant in U. S.
(Extract from Los Angeler Timee, June 18, 1922)
Jrut rounding into full production with the first unit of the new plant at the northweort oorner of Slauson a,venuo and Iron street, the TVeaver Roof Compann presided over by Sylvester 'Weaver, last yea,r's presideat of the Chamber of Commerce, &nnouno,es its readiness for corylete service, after maintaining a partial service since flre deotroyed itr downtown plant last winter.
The first unit new builtling now occupied and iu full opera. tion, is 300 feet loug by 60 feet wide; is of ootrorete, stool and hollow tile constmction; hos monitor roof, conorete floon, end with its equipment of new machinery [r. Weaver declares it to be the most modem and most efricient roofing plant in the United States.
- This building comprises the machine room, wa'rehouse and other uses for which other buildings and facilities wiU be provided from time to time, on the conservative basis of reinvested eernings. The investment in the buriacsr ot the present time, in buildings and equipment is about $200,000. Employrnent is given to 110 people.
T-he new machinery, largely eutomatic, turns out a perfeot roll of felt roofing every twelve seconds, or rbout 1,500 rollr a day; a roll being three feet wide and thirty-six fget lgng. Besiales this roofing output a carload per day of felt building peper also is produced., and other products such as felt shinglos and asbestos moterisls.
The rooffngr eomprire plain or smoot\ sanded, red slate, green slate, and asbestos. Slate shingles, in both the red and the greeq also are mrde of tbe same materials; building rnd inrulating paper and saturated felts also in large quan-- tities. Annual turnover is well above $1,000,000 in these commodties, vrhich is distributed tbrough the lnnber and building trades to all the Pacific States, with good begrn- nings of huge export business with South and Central Araerica and texlcq Ilew Zealand and Australia.
The otricial rta,fr of the Weaver Roof Company co'nprises: Sylvester L. Weaver,'president and general manager; W. B. Koehler, vice-president; C. A. Aikirs, secretary-treasurer; II. F. Boesohe, sales merager; Vlilliam Eletcher, superintendent of production. The ofrices of the company will remain at the old location, 339-41 East Second street.
DIr. Weaver declares that tos Angeles ig now equipped, through the new plant of hir company, with facilities for rooffng msnufacture superior to any in the United States, in both quality of rooflng and efriciency of production, and that with. his returtr to active participation, after grving the city e yea,r of hir life as preddent of the Ghamber of Commerce, he proposer, jointly with his associates, to take every advantage of the'great developmeut of domestic and foreign trade facilities,,in building up a roofing manufacture that will refleot the importance of the industrial and maritime ascendancy of Los Angeles end Southern California.