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It's a profit *aLet for the Dealers
Lumber dealers all over the West are malcing good, steady profits through selling Hipolito Stock Size Window Screens. They fit all standard openings.
WASHINGTON, June 25.-Encouraged by. the response to its prize bfrer last year, the National I-,umber Manufacturerst Assoeiation has decided to ofrer $2,000 in prizes this year for the discovery of new methods, new machines, or new devices in the lumber industry, so it was announced today at the office of the Association here.
Last year's prize of $1,000 was in a single award, but this year tfie $2,000 will be divided into a first prize of $1,000, a second prize of $500, three $100 and four $50 prizes. The National. Lumber Manufaeturers' Assoeiation believes that widening the prize distribution so that nine contdstants "will be,in the money," will lead to the reception of a large number of suggestions.
The competition is open to anyone, in. or out of the industry and utterly free from the petty and annoying restrietions often attached to contests of this sort. Practically the only eonditions are that entries for the coinpetition must-be made before the time of the next national convention irf the Association, whieh will probably be heltl in April, 1923, and that any suggestion offered must relate to a new method, new machine or new device, which, in practical application or use, will result in the appreciable saving of labor, {ime, material or expense, when applied !o present manufacturing processes in the lumber industry. Contestants are to eorrespond with and submit their ideas to the Technical and Research Department of the National I-rumber Manufacturers' Association, International Building, Washington, D. C. While there are no prescriptions as to the form of sub4isgion, contestants are"atlvised to take pains to formulate their suggestions in a clear and concise manner; drawings, if any, and descriptive uratter, to be in neat, thorough and intelligible form.
Awards will be made by a committee of fifteen lumber manufacturers chosen from the membership. of the Association.
Irast year's prize was won by William H. Mason of Lraurel, Miss., for the development of a method. for the extraction of pitch and its by-products from pine, the process being installed in eonnection with the dry kiln of a lumber manufacturing Plant.
If you are not now handling these Screens write us for informatiqn about our plan for lumber dealers. Just a line on a post card or clip this advertisement and mail it with your letterhead, we'll' know what You want.