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San Joaquin Valley Retailers Met
At the call of President J. C. Ferger, of Fresno, The San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's CIub helcl a well attended neeting in The Hughes Hotel, Freeno, Saturday, Junc 24th. The meeting began with luncheon, and continued through the afternoon in business session.
At the luncheon the only speaker was Jack Dionne, pubIisher of THE CALIFOR,NIA ITUMBER, MERCHANT. IIe yfuas introduced by President Ferger as the publisher of " The llrivest l.lumber Journal" at present, and after July lst the publisher of an even liver lumber journal in California. Mr.
Ferger welcomed the new paper very enthusiastically, pledging the co-operation of The San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Ciub in making it a success. Mr. Dionne voiced. his appreciation of the kindness that has been shown him in Oalifornia, and talked for thirty minutes on the aim and intent of THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER, MERCHANT, and on the merchandising of lumber as the new paper will preach it.
At the last meeting of the trustees of the Douglas Fir Exploitation and Export Company in San Francisco some important ehanges in the personnel of the organization were made. James E. Madison of the San'Flancisco office was elected secretary of the association, with headquarters at Seattle. He will succeed Charles E. Hill, who has retired. to engage in private business. As evidence of their esteem the directors presented. Mr. Hill with a handsome and valuable silver service.
The rneeting then adjourned to the convention hall, where regular pusiness was transacted.
A. J. (Gus) Russell, of San Francisco, Chairman of the Statewide l-rumber Committee that will handle the campaign against the anti-wooden-slingle law that will be voted on in Noveuber, was called on to speak on that subject. He explained. the campaign that the lumbermen of California are starting to win that election, and in conclusion the entire organization pledged its enthusiastic support of the campaign to save shingle roofs for the eitizens of California.
The San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club is planning to hold a big meeting some time in the faII, probably inviting other state associations, to begin working up enthusiasm in the next meeting of The Western Retail Lumbermen's Association next February. J. C. Ferger is also President of The Western Association, and his friends in the San Joaquin Valley are going to see that a proper delegation escorts him to Spokane, where the next meeting will be helcl.
I-.l. E. Force was transferred from the Seattle ofrise to San Franeiseo to become.sales manager for the company.
George C. Thompson had been made permanent manager at a previous meeting and presented his report for the pre. ceding month showing a normal volume of business.
/The Osgood Lumber Company at BelI, Cal., is making some $ubstantial improvements to office and yard. The ofrice is /being made modern in every particular, with special attention to the idea of giving service to customers and prospects.