2 minute read
Prepare for November Shingle Election
The lumbermen of Californie are girding up their loins up to beat this bill, and we want to hear from every lumand getting ready for a campaign to kill the anti-shingle berman who is willing to help' 'We are not dttacking any bill that was held up by referendum, and which will be voted one. Shingles have been attacked, and we simply want to on in November by the Sovereign voters of California. permit the people of California the privilege of putting whatever sort of roofing on their homes that they think rt is Nor a ffght FoR' shingles as against any other roof- best. we think the people are the best judges of what they ings, as the lumber people look upon it' rt is a fght to pro- want on their homes, and when given free choice a huge tect shingles from unjust discrimination, made in behalf of the home builders of california, in order that the man who majority choose shingles' And we want to see that they are buirds a home mav have the privlege or pracing upon its roof such covering as he thinks best' will readily understand that an injustice has been attempted,
The statewide campaign will be handled by a committee that they have very nearly been deprived of a valuable of three gentlemen, A. J. (Gus) Russell, IL M. Cochran, right, and that they will tal<e the proper steps at the polls. and J. M. Hotchkiss, all of San Francisco. Mr. Russell, 'W'e want to hear from all loyal lumbermen." head of the Santa Fe Lunber Co., a big wholesale and retail
The lumber dealers of the San Joaquin Valley have uaanilumber concern, is Chairman of the eommittee, and actively mously ofrered their co-operation to the committee, and the in charge of the campaign work. Mr. Cochran is the well returns from other parts of the state have been comiig in known executive of The Union Ilumber Company, and the freely. man whom the State of California has to thank for the privilege of placing wooden shingles on their homes this year, trhee and open competition is the American plan, in builtlror rre organized and underwrote the expense or the cam- paign ,that secured. the signatures to the petition when the anti-shingre crause was discovered in just twelve days before it had to be at Sacramento.
Hotchkiss is active head of Hobbs, wau & co., and. another very enersetic Redwood. manufacturer. rhis comnittee is arready engaged in lining up the rum- bermen in every city in California in the activg efrort to give incorporated town in California. thepeopleofCal!forniaaproperunderstandingofwhatthey are going to vote up6n, and. they desire the active co-opera- 7rr rrnr^rErclrrrr.Dd tion of every lumberman everywhere in the big job they t ^ *: *wN wrro'LEsar'ERs GoMBTIIE have tackled. i George Stephenson and Charles I. 'White have formed a
'when the anti-shingle clause was discovered. in the bill, fartnershil under the name of the stephenson-'white lrumafter the Governor n-aa "igiua it, tr,""" lo*"1""'ll'Jt11*-1ffit;:till,Jl"il"li:il""ffT:J""11*-"fi#ffi,"; days in which to ffle with the Secretary of State a petitionV signed by not less than 84,000 voters of the state, asking for i ."1-0"'1"*Tl;J',i1,i,1i,"ft:,T:ffi,",'" 11,1 in November. san Fraucirco cat. =
A. J. (Gus) Russell, Chairman of the Committee, states i 46E Lumbermen'r Bldg.
= the bill through and easily miss the anti-shingle thrust. We don't know how deliberately it was done, but we know that wooden shingle on their buildings, without asking their
Solit Rcdwood Portr, Tier and Stakec'
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