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Among the Deolers
Gus Russell, of San Franeisco, boarded a Key Route ear recently and encountered W. R. Alberger, the genial head of the Key System.
"Gus," said Alberger, "I am pained. to note that you need a shave. Did you expect to find a barber on the Key Route car?"
"Hardly," responded. Russell. "I shaved as usual, but my beard grew while I was waiting for the car to come along !"
Tulase Iias Building Booivt
The city of Tulare has a group of real up-to-date modern lumber merchants and all of them have been enjoying the big volume of business growing out of the builtling boom that has prevailed there for the last ten or twelve months. In the eleven months ended June 1, the builcling permits were $356,855. It is estimated that the present calendar year will show nearly half a million dollars in permits as there has been a grad.ual increase in volume and value since the first of the year.
Lumberman with experience in all for twenty years desires position. ences. Address Fred Ir. Jones, P. O. City, Okla. afillillill|ttIt|[IlililitInrtIrIt[[ll[illilUtil[illlllllilllllllllIlIl[ilit|llilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lE
Loss Of Whiskers Costs Money
Fbed Connor, of Sacramento, paid a substantial fine to the Whiskerino Club just prior to the Forty-Niner celebration in Sacramento-and. justly so.
Fred, who normally is smooth-faced. and always clean shaved, started to grow as fine a crop of whiskers as you ever saw and was hard in the running for one of the big prizes, but just whon his facial decorations were getting to look their prettiest, he had to go to Pasadena to the Southern California retailers' oienic. But he didn't have nerve enough to bring his full Learct with him. So he shaved ofr all but his mustache. Which, of course, was a serious offense in Sacramento. He pleaded guilty and paid the penalty.
Just about two years ago two young men of vision, and cAfrage and enterprise bought the business of the San 'edro Lumber Company at Gardena. They changed the hame to the Gardena Lumber Company. They began at once to apply modem merchandising methods to the business. They stocked a full line of builcling material, put in a planing mill, brightened up the office, advertised. and went out after the business of their community. Naturally success crowned. their efrorts.
Today these young men are establishing another store at Athens-on-the-Hill and are going to make that, Iike the first, mod.ern and up-to-date,in every particular.
The original members of the company are Roy R. Bittinger and II. W. Melrose. A short time ago they were joined by E. H. Stewart.
The ne'w store will carry a full line of lumber antl shingles, builders' hardware, paint, sash, doors, u'allboard, cembnt, plaster and. other lines common to modern butlding material stores.
It also will have an attractive office and. display room 'which wiII make it an objeet for the men and women of the community to come in and. figure on the purchase of completecl homes, garages, and the improvements that go to brighten up a home.
The Hudson-Bonney I.,umber Company of Burbank has lncorporated for $100,000. The company is making some pxtensive improvements to the plant and is preparing to /handle a greater volume of business. Burbank is having a f steady builcling boom.
The ineorporators are T. H. Hudson, V. A. Bonney and G. N. Swartz. The new compeny is the successor to the Highway l-.,umber Company, which the present owners bought several months ago.
The Jack M. Whitney I-,umber Company at Huntington Beach is undergoing expansion, both physically and in the form of its organization. The company has just been incorporated for $50,000. The principal stoekholders are Jack trf. 'Whitney, who is president and general manager; Claudia C. 'Whitney, vice-president, and. Kenneth C. I-,yneh, secretary and treasurer. The company is doing a large volume of business, as Huntington Beach is a rapidly growing community.
Thir very attractive bungalow hag all the characteristics of a high class HOME but is designed to meet the needs of the modest purse. There is a cham about the exterior as well as the excellent interior designs rhown, and everythittg is ip corporated into the choice of plans to attract and interest the prospective home owner and home builder. There ane nany families in YOUR town who would love to live in a home like this. There are two distinct and different floor plans to choose from.
We can furnish complete sets of blue prints of either plan.