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Fire lnsurance
We Offer: l. Sound INDEMNITY; a protection against loss which is as good as can be secured 'from any company an;rwhere.
A policy secured by cash resources equal to five times the average probable losses on all policies in force-
Allied with the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association are twenty-frve stron! Mutual companies with cash resources of more than TWENTY-FOUR MILLION DOLLARSi
2. An Insurance SERVICE, not infallible, but conscientious.
3. A SAVING to our Policyholders, which, at the present rate at which w€ ar€ r€turning dividends will amount to ONE MILLION DOLL^A,RS for the year 1922. This means a saving in insurance cost on your property of trom 25/o to 40/o oI the premium.
The Northuestern lvlulual Fire Associatiot{ and allied componies haue returned to theii Polkyholders ouer FORTY-FM MILLION DOLLARS in diuidends and sauings.