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Our First Chec
Here it is. The first check received by the new California Lumber Merchant.
We just HAD to send it down and have it's picture taken, so that we could show the folks that we DO get real money foi this paper-even before there has been a paper. It eame from Mr. R. C. Merryman, Consolidated Realty Building, Los Angeles.
And thereby hangs a tale-a coincidence possibly worthy of mention.
Many years ago R. C. Merryman was a big sawmill operator. in Marinette, Wisconsin. Ile owned two sawmills, the R. W. Merryman Irumber Company, and the Merryman Manufacturing Company, which for many years eonverted. that wonderful northern white pine into commerci'al lumber
The civilized world is sick at heart at the details of that nameless horror perpetrated in Williamson Cou:rty, Illinois. It is too fearful, too savage, too demoniac to d.escribe. 'What to do ? Simple enough. Just put a big tent over the entire community, stufr up all the chinks, and turn on the gas.
Earbor Shingle Company, recently President of the Shingle $ranch, and acknowledged one of the most far-sighted and aggressive men in the Red Cedar Shingle business, has been a California visitor for the past two weeks, stopping at San Francisco and then at Los Angeles. Ile d.rove down from $berdeen with his family. THE CAIJII'ORNIA IJUMBER UERCHANT knows Ernest Miller well, and honors him as few men. He is one of the greatest advocates of quality shingles in the business.
And one day in summer a red headed, freckle-faced. kid hit R. C. Merryman for a job during vacation, to plck up some cash. He got it. He tailed down the hand set trimmer that summer for g0 cents a day.
Today ho is the publisher of the California l_.rumber Merchant. Ee got the first pay check of his life from R. C. Merryman. Twenty-five years later he got the ffrst check for his new California lumber paper from the same gentleman.
Shortly after he got that pay check the red headed kid moved with his family to Texas. Not lorrg after that R. C. Merryman c&me to California. He is citrus grower ancl big redwood timber owner in this state, and interested in various industrial enterprises in many places. The coincidence pleases us very much.
Allen W. Clark, of St. Louis, famous as the greatest paint booster on earth, and chairman of the most successful mer. chandising campaign ever eonducted. for a building material, The National Clean-Up and Paint-Up Campaign, is a California visitor.
Accompanied by Mrs. Clark, he has visited a week in I-ros Angeles, will spend a week in San Francisco, and then goes north, stopping at the leading cities, and home by way'of Canadian Rockies. He spoke to the Paint Club in Los Angeles, and will do the same with the paint people alons his route.
He was a rvelcomp caller at the office of TIIE CAITIFOR. NIA LUMBER MERCHANT, with whose publisher he has worked in elose co-operation for many years, boosting paint to the lumber trad.e.