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Speaking Personallg

The personnel of TEE CAIJFORNIA LITMBER MERCHANT is not complete, and will probably not be for several weeks to come.

$re will &nnounce a gentleman who will lnanege the San fransisco offiee of this jounal in both an editorial and business capacity.

This jorunal will also open a business ofrice in the Pacific Northwest, probably in Portland, within the nert sirfy days.

Mr. S. O. Krantz is the active Monagiug Editor of this journal,

LUMBEB $TIIJ POUR,S IIITO t. A. IIAR,BOR, Compilations just completed by Henry Riddiford, secretary of the Lumbermen's Exchange, reveal that for the ffrst quarter of the present year the forest products received at Los Angeles were measured. as follows: making his home in Los Angeles.-. DIr. Krantz is a vetera'l journalist, and lumber writer. Ife wag for years in the editorial departnent of The Portland Oregonia,rq at Portland. For a year he was manager of the Industrial Service Department at the University of Oregon, at Eugene, Oregon Later he became Ad.vertising Manager for the lVest Coast tumbernen's Association, at Seattle, which positioh he left at the end of two yea,rs to become Pacific Coast Ma'nag'en for The Gulf Coast L-umberman, of Houston, maintaining ofrices in Portland. Ee resigaei[ that position June lst, transferring to TEE CAIJFOBIIIII' LIIUBEB MEBCIIANT and moving to Los Angeles.

I-,umber, 799,332,932 feet; lath, +8,147,867 pieces; shingles, 40,254,600 pieces; shakes, 431,408 ; ties, 160,196; posts, 1000; poles and piles, 337,628 linear feet; an equivalent, in the aggregate, of 227,362,776 troard feet of lumber.

Receipts from the Atlantic coast were 74,000 feet, consisting of various grades and species of hardwoods.

A. lI. Thackaberry, for o number of years Girculation Manager for The Gulf Coaet Lunberman, at Eourtoq holdr that sa,me position on this psper.

Receipts from British Colrrmbia were 2,693,518 feet of lumber, 11,019,500 lath and a829,000 shingles, the equivalent of 5,180,318 board feet.

Hardwood imports were: From Guatemala, 105,620 feet; from the Philippine Island.s, 110,870 feet; from Japan, 635.620 feet.'The grand total of all these reaeipts for the first quar. ter is 227,469,144 board feet.

While ffgures are not c6mplete, it is apparent that the lumtrer reeeipts at Los Angelee Harbor for the second quar' ter, just ended, exceeded those of the first quarter.

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