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7,000,000 "Schumacher" Adus. Appear Weekly In Californio Newspapers AFrank Discussion of the\hll Board Situation
N|ARLY. any one qn make wall board. ry. it rquires is certain materials and a smattering of knowludg"
Bw<heap materials put togahu in a ,h*P nay mahe sold cheap because it is cheap. wall board that can be clreap
And the resuls /ou get from such wall board are c.heap. -You get what you pay for-buckling *"qpi"g fimsn uneven board that 6lls down under slighl tess that manufacnrers of reliable wdl board would laugh at.
SCFIUMACHER WALL BOARD COMPAI{Y madc thc 6nt rcal plaster wall board that arcc saw thc light of &y, and becausc it was so successful from thc starc, bccausc it met a loqg felt necd, it has naturally bcen follourcd by a host of imitators, many of whom &rcnotbrand their nGrior p-d* with a mark of idcntity. There is as much difiercncc bctwsr thcec qrall boards and "SCF|LJMAC}:IER'S'r as tha,c is benueen a prrrc diasrond and a piooe of rhincstone,
For erren rf thae imitators wcre abh to usc the samc materials that go into SCFIUMACFIER I?ALL BOARD thcy could not stcal thc hafuts that put thcse rnaterials togethcr, for thc rrrportant st€ps in the manufuturing of SCFIUMACHER !?ALL BOARD arc ptotetd by United Sutcs Parctrts and thc skill requircd rn turning ouc a supcrior product arch as
"SCFIUMACHER'S" is not ro bc had in the opcn markcc
!0hcn pu buy unll board look for,the "SGfLt MACI{ER" tra& mrd< on errcry sai. If you db not sce it rcfusc the basc imitation and tum a dcaf car to the dluring rrcice that quot6 ,,ou on a sub' stinrte gid to bc Just as good."
SCFTUMACFIER WALL BOARD is rold at a pricc conristent with the matctials .nd tldll usGd in ma&ing is Anythlng sold clcaper neans that a skimping her bccn madc somcwhcre, cithcr in matcdalr or in labc.
Proect prusclf aginstdisappointrrcnt A brandcd or tradenarlcod wall boand will bc ddcndcd by a nanufacnuer who'stln& berl of hic ptoduce ltlho sands back of a wall boad without a narnc?
Thc answcr usually comcr aftcr you havc uscd thc iofrrbr.vnll boed .nd pu alonc nust sufcr tbc @lcqPcnc.
R.rnanb6 thcsc thing whcn ;ou buy wall boatd. Th.o look for tf,G 'SCFI(JMACHER" tradc marl<.
Wrtte ft dcsorpitc folda slwng tk tnarydwttaga of rtis npaior ull bw4 e'4* yan lunba dcala aba* SC'I{UMACHER. IYAU rclRD ' Yow calntm or hildcr can alo tcll yol,.
Our readers are invited to use this department fof frd;hcet'A;".i"rion of ruch'ruffectr a3 may interect them. Questions may be adred and anrwered, ruggestions made and dircuncd, etc.
It has been suggested to us by several friends that a d.epartment open to the free and. unrestrieted use of our members for asking and answering questions and diseussing matters of trade interest, ete., would be a welcbme one for this journal. We are very glad to offer this department in every issue. It is fr'equently the case that matters arise that lumbermen would. like to d.iscuss, og to have others

Freight Rates Reduced
diseuss; intormation one lumberman woulcl like from others; expbrienees may be exchinged in order that men in the same.line of business may profit by one another's example; and many other uses may arise for an open department. "TIrn OPEN tr'ORUM" will therefore be a regular department in,this p&perr and ,eommulications directed to it will be gladly used.
(conttnued from page 121 on mining-it originally expired October ket. Space ancl time will not admit of a detailecl tist of the exceptions. The more.important follow: zo,'a,,, ..Theminimrrmchargeof5ocper'shipnentonl.c.l. trafric, the minimum charge of $15 per car on.ear load the minimum seale for class rates ore not subject to aru Lxtr lulrruuu sualrE rul: UtasN lj.luEs Ur€ Ir0], BUOJeCE IO reduction.
"Neither are the rates on nining timbers from Portland
Eastern points, Solomon to Miami, inclusive. Both lumbcp and mining timbers are exeepted from Portland to El Paso "'&i:"' and Southwestern territory, Clifton, Morenci and Tyrone, "t",:"""tt'".glliJ"fif
N. M. The exception sched.ule also covers lumber and shin- 15;1"s"t"t' I gles from Seattle, Portland and Oregon points to Santa Fe Fe_!o, -----points, Barstow to San Diego: Pasad.ena via U. P. and. p;ffi; D^^:4^ Dl^^+-:^ T7:--r^^+ +^ r1^-^-- mL^ --^-^-1 -^r^- ArlZ.
Pacific Electric, Wingfoot to Corona. The present rates -4lzfrnm Soqttla f.n rTrnmhstnnp Orrthda qn.l nliftnn Ariznno "T$1' tlanal 8? from Seattle to Tombstone, Cluthrie and Clifton, Arizona, ^:$;']
8ifi i; ;; 8i remain unchanged.
"From san Francisco and common points the present , with ftffr*t,ffffifttSf6JfTir?1?"??"^f,f3rer com- rates stand on lumber and mining to El Paso and South- &q"l of Pasadena has been incorporated. M. tVt. Stacey ana western territory, CUfton and Morenci, and on movement {W. _G. Newmeyer of Pasadena, and. H. R. Stacey of lliinneto Southern Pacifie main line points routed Santa Fe to apolis are-the incorporators. The new comp_any,'it is undercolton or 'western Pacific to Stockton, also to bffit#'""filf,f;ta:*business of the F' B' r-rearned Lumber Mining to Arizona Eastern points, Solomon to Miami, is not reduced.
"With the exception of lumber and. mining to Clifton, Morenci, Tyrone and E. P. & S. 'W. territory, the exceptious to the reduction cover mining only from the l-.ros Angeles Harbor district and take in Southern Pacific main line to Liordsbourg; Santa Fe main line to Ash Fork, including
The LaBrea Materials Company has been incorporated tof'engage in the lumber and building material busilness at tfb corner of La Brea and Santa Monica boulevards in Los ,fngeles. The eompany is owned by the Rancho LaBrea T-iI 9ompany, which is putting on a subdivision in that part of the eity.
Thirty-five years' time and many millions of dollars have been devoted to the development of Pioneer Paper Company's Super Quality products.
For almost two generations this progression has gone on. This building into the output of its factories the attributes of true character, has made Pioneer Paper Company products synonomous with super-quality.
This heritage of inwrought worth is your. The ever growing patronage of many friends has been our guarantee of satisfaction as it has been our justi6able pride of production.