1 minute read
The Priceless Ingredient
In the City of Bagclacl liveil Hakeem, the Wise One, and many people went to him for eounsel ,which he gave freely to all asking nothing in return.
There cqme to him a young man, who hacl spent much but got littlg and said: "Tell me,'Wise One, what shall I tlo to receive'the most for what I spend ? "
Ifakeem ahswered: "A thing that is bought or sold. has no value unless it contains that which cannot be bought or sold. Irook, then, for the Prieelqss Ingredient."
"But what is the Priceless Ingredient?" asketl the young man.
Spoke then the Wise Onet "My son, the Priceless Ingredieqt of every produet in the market place is the honor and integrity of him ufto msk€s it."
Thaty friends of ours, is the business religion of The 0ali. fo'mil Lumber Mmcbant; that, and the Gospel of wor\ antl of wice.
Ilonor, integritS work, Bervice-these aro the foundations upon which all successful businese must be built.
The greatest preapher and demonstrator of the value of work and of serrice that the world has ever knownr was that Man who preached his matchless philosophy on the green hills of Galilee.
In IIis youth Ee toilecl with Eis hands at the carpenter trade. It is not reoorcled thet 4e ever ty-e.nt on strike. He was above no task, however menial. ffe bound Himself roupd with a towel, and washed the feet of Eis followers. Ee preached servlcs always, uttering golden words on the subJeat of working and of serving. He saitl that ITe came "Not to be ministered. unto, but to minig{,spr" made us understaud that as we work and. serve so shall we prosper, and that I man's rea,L worth is judged by what he contributes toward the general well being. A:ld only once in all TT{n recorded words tlid He say: "I have given you an exampler" and that was when He was doing the.work of a servant. e was the greatest galesrr,aJx the world has known.
He came tq sell the world on the value of ir perfect commodity. Antt the perfection of His salesnanship lay in 11u fact that He pnoved everything He preached.
Arrd we have come to know that not only preaching but proving the value of the commodity ofrered. is the greatest fundamental of sueeeseful selling.
!'or-in fact-the philosophy of the Man of Clalilee was only a sublimated elition of the Gospel of Selling, beeause botb of them nean i squar'e d.eal for all, better mutuai understanding, greater viqion, better serviee, and proving your goods.