1 minute read

Paint Sells Lumber-- Lum lls Paint

Have you a list of the unpainted and $aint-needing structures in your selling territory, Mr. Lumber Dealer?

Ilave you made a deliberate, d-irect, intelligent efrort to sell everyone on that list on the paint IDEA?

You haven't such a list?

. You haven't made such an effort?

Good.ness ! 'What a lot of good business you are refusing.

(To the selling enthusiast, understand, the fact that he has interesting selling OPPORTUNITIES constantly presenting themselves, is the spice of life and of business.)

Get out and see how many of these folks you can sell.

Note particularly the first two words of that last sent"oa.-{ ( get out ". THAT, friend of ours, is the first line, on page one, of the book of merchandising. No matter what else you do, you have got to "get out and get busy", or the rest won't count much


Figure out y PRICE. When own mind, go than you did in

Know what he those needs. Preseir Be sure you are able acter to every man paint IDEAS

Visualize your tieular appeal to the tractiveness. and the i surface, is appealingly

Paint is a magnificent helps make the prospect YOUR, territory is well hen sell your prosDect, MENyour selling talk, your selling is in suitable shape i.n your and do the job even better what YOU cau d.o, to eupply ts to him. Yisualize them. something of e PAIN0,charit is much easier to sell a EYES than his EARS.

A paint job makes & p&rhuman. fts color, gloss, atit has worked on the rdw

Mr. I-rumber Dealer. It your materials. See that

Mixed Cars

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