4 minute read
Why Not'a National Organization of Retail Lumber Women?
By MISS ALBERTA RUTE BREY, Active Vice-Presiclent The Brey-'Wright Lumber Co., Porterville, California.
Solomon, the wise man of Biblical times, is credited with having said, "There is nothing new under the Sun." But listen, Oh ! ye wise men, lesser wise, and just folks. 'We think there is something new, but if after reading this article, any of you decide that there has been in the annals of the history of the worlcl, at some time or other, anything of this kind, please rush information to us immediately. 'We may need it for ideas and.for details.
Of course when there is a disturbance, or really something difrerent, you all know there must be something feminine at the bottom of it. Well, since you aII have guessed it, we admit it. There are hundred,s of us working in l,umbermen's Offices here in the United States. It has been suggested by a member of the National Builders Bureau, that we organizo and form a National Organization of Women in the Retail Irumber Business.
That may sound like a large order to you, but nevertheless, it has been meeting with much approval from every one to whom it has been suggested.
Yoir see, the women are the chief factors in making tho home. Men are necessary without doubt, but the woman is the one who has always. had the dream of a home'. From her chiklhood a girl is taught the great thing in life is a home of her own. In fact her play things are mostly dolls and play houses, etc. everything that deals with the home. Helping mother do the dishes, yvhile son gets in the wood, and does the outside chores, his training is plong altogether difrerent lines. A man may build a house, ever so beautiful, but to make it a home, it takes a woman.
So liaowing our sisters' feelings that have child.ren and something to builcl a home for, we want to help them out. 'We want to spread the gospel of Homes, and Better Homes, to make the United States, the best plaee in the world in which to live, as it is anyway, but just a little better than it is now. 'We want to give the children of the present generation, and the generations to come, that will make or break this grand old eountry of ours, a chance. Through eombined efrort with an organization of this kincl, we can systematically approach the 'Women's Clubs, the ParentTeachers Associations, the Literary Clubs, throughout the United States, and sell more homes in one year than all the newspeper advertising cau seII in ten.
Anothor thing we need. is to get together. We need to comp&re ideas and suggestions. 'We need to have some definite plans and carry them out, In other words combine our efrorts and make our country a place of beautiful homes.
Just think what a chance for all the young wpmen in the Retail Lirmber Business, to get together somewhere in the Unitert States once every year'and meet and know each
.other.. Other organizations do it, so can we. Do you know from where I write, our Company does not sell lumber any more? By lumber I mean, scantling, underpinnings, raft-, ers and shingles, ete. .We sell Homes, Garages, Barns, just as the automobile dealers sell you automobiles. We sell the completed product. The details are all drawn to scale. 'We show you in our display rooms just how they will look in your home and with a little imagination you can see yourself in that nic.e big ".comfy" chair by the fireplace on a rainy night. fsn't that interesting? Maybe you do the same thing. If so we would like to know how you do it. Possibly we c&n improve our system and get some new ideas that will help us out. Wouldn't you qnjoy through personal contact, girls, meeting someone that was, interested in the same thing you are ?
'We worild like to hear from every National Builders Bureau Dealer. If you have a young lacly in your office, ask her what she thin\s about it. By,the way, do you let the girls in your office sell the homes? We do it here. They like it and ean sell a home from the Plan Service, more quickly and more efficiently than any man yoir have in your office. Just try it. That way every girl instead of just being a stenographer, or bookkeeper, becomes an important factor in your office. Give her a chance. She will take an interest that wili surprise you, and will also feel as if she belongs to your institution and just not working until pay day for what 'she can get. As Mr. Buckley of the National Builders Bureau once said, "Every woman who sells a llome, a Garage, a Church, a Store, any building that is to be permanent and beautiful not only builds a memorial to herself, but also.to her Maker."
Now wouldn't you like to belong to an organization of this kind? We are going to h.ave one and you are invited to join us.
Miss Catherine Drown, of The Swan Creek Lumber and Supply Co., of Toledo, Ohio, is as enthusiastic as any one could possibly be over an organization of this kind. To be a little closer in touch with someone in the Eastern part of the Unitecl States Miss Drown has kindly agreed to answer all correspondence from any city or town in Ohio and all the States East. Any place west of Ohio, please write to Alberta Ruth Brey, care of Brey-Wright Lumber Co., Porterville, California. We wish you would. write us immetliately, so we can get this organization started, and meet somewhere in the Spring, and. formally organize and, instead. of just theorizing, accomplish something.
Remember, that when you are right you can afford. to keep your tempe,r, and when you are wrong you ean't afrord to lose it.