3 minute read
Hamrnatt Spre ads Redwood Gospel
B. tr'. Eammatt, seeretary-manager of the Oalifornia Redwood Association, recently started. on a trip aeross the continent in the interest of the ne.w d.ealer seryice just prepared by his organization.
Mr. Hammatt will visit most of the prineipal cities in the East ancl }lidclle West and will introduce, through the sales representatives of the various redwood manufacturers, through the wholesale dealers and..commission men, the nbw "Califsrnia Redwood Trade Extension ManuaII'which eventually is expected. to reach the desk of every retail dealer and every retail lumber salesman in the eastern trade territory. The manual is a complete outline of the service with instructions of how it is to be used.
This is one of the most ssmprehensive trade extension efforts ever put forth by a western assoeiation. The association itself merely is the means of placing the, service in the hands of the distributors. For all intents and purposes the manual and the other trade helps will come from the individual association merlbe,rs. The actual distribution will be done by the direet sales representatives of the member companies, if they have such sales representatives, or by the eastern wholesalers and eomrhission mun.
The dealer service outlined by Mr. Hammatt includes two separate features of direct interest to the retailers who are handling California redwood. The first is a series of twelve "Dealer llelps," in two colors, attractively illustrated; of a size and weight so that all twelve may be mailed under a two-cent stamp. Each of the, twelve covers one particular use.
Of special interest to the retailer, however, is the eircumstance that the text is written from his own point of view, that on each "help" is a space for his own name and ad.dress, and that they are to be furnished free of cost. With the exeeption of the association seal, inconspicuously displayed, no other name or address is given.
In other words,'the de,aler .using this serviee may mail this material direct to his own eustomers and prospects over his own signature and thus advertise himself and no oue else.
The second feature of the service is a series of ten nertrspaper advertisements. Each of the advertisments is complete with art work and copy. Each is of attractive size-Iarge enough and striking enough to command attention yet small enough to keep down the cost of electros and the cect of newspaper space. These electros are distributed by the essociation, postage prepaid, at actual cost.
Eaeh advertisement is written from the d.ealerts standpoint, each one carries copy assuring the reader that the dealer carries a full line of building materials and eabh provides a 'space fm the individual dealer,s own name and ad.dress.
"This campaign is designed directly to assist all member sales organizations and their trade connections,,, says Mr. Hammatt. "That is why the ffelct was broadened to include the prospective home builder, the agriculturalist and the user of wood for iudustrial and specialty purposes.,,
"But the association itself doos not attempt to mll. It does attempt to prepare the ground for member company salesmen by providing for them sales mdterial that may be furnished, OVER, THEIR, OWN SIGNATURE, to their individual trade connections. Ancl this material may be obtained WITIIOUT COST by {he trade, and by it ttistributed to its eustomers and prospects."
The association has prepared 8b0,000 copies of the Redwood Manual and will provide more if necessary. A corresponding supplyl of newspaper cuts 'and display fiterature also has been provided.
Besides ealling on the dealers and mail representatives Mr. Hammatt will confer with arehitects and contraetors and with the seeretaries of the various retail associations en route.
Early in June he stopped at the Forest products lraboratory at Madison, Wisconsin, whe,re the government experts are eonducting a series of investigations into the further uses of rbdwood
We neod some one to believe in us-if we do well, we want our work commendod, our faith corroborated. The indiviclual who thinks well of you, who keeps his mind on your good qualities, and does not look for flaws, is your friend. -Who is my brother ? I'll tell you : Ile is the one who recogrizes the good in me.-Elbert Hubbard.
By A. IJ. PORTER, Spokane, Wash.
Oh ! Lord ! Give us this day our daily bread, Ancl the fuel with which to bake it. We will run this yard for another year, And then for-sake take it. Amen!