2 minute read
Home Building Stimulates Prosperity
By Floyd A. Dernier Lumberrrrans' Service Associatlon, Los Angeles.
t'Own Your Own Home" and "Build Now" are two timely slogans that are being adopted and advertised by prog"...io. cities who are anxious to relieve the presdnt lousing shortage and instill desires for home ownrship' "Bright Spots'; are cities where active building operations:are- in piog""t.. Stimulate construction and you create prosperity' it i" u movement that commands the indorsement and' support of every building material merchant, not only because of the direct results antl added business it will create but it is your duty as a lumber dealer to cooperate with campaigns that have ior the,ir purpose the creating of desires for modern, convenient homes, home ownership, community beautifying, etc.
Successful campaigns are conducted by the active sup- 'port and cooperation of all civil, tnunisipal and commercial bodies, together with progressive individuals and business firms, and, under this practical plan with a unlty 9{ thought; support and. prestige, results are assured-. And with the cost of-such a campaign pro rated among the supporters whose names will appear at the bottom of the pagesr the eost to each is small compared with the results and lasting good such a eooperative building program will mean for your city and community._ The plan un$9r which these newspaper campaigns are being conducted is a series of 52 pages, i tutt page every week, an entire yeat's campaign on "Why You Shoulcl Own Your Own Home," practical ideas, suggestions, plans, ete., for building modern homes, remodeling, motlernizing thd olcl home, room a,rrangement, Iabor and time saving conveniences, real estate, insur&nce, sanitation, beautifying, clean-up, paint-up and kindred lines with a view of making cities and towns more ideal places in which to live.
The real seeret of the ptoductiveness of any oampaign lies in its ability -to attract and create. Carefully executed illustrations, timely topics with articles alive with constructive thoughts, are ones which are sure to make appeals and. stimulate desires and d.emands for improvements. It is important to keep in mind that the attitude toward an ownyour-own-home movement must be, first of all, that of interest in civic, social and business betterment. The prospective home owner's interest equals in importance that of all other elements combined. Own-Your-Own-Ilome, campaigns are being supported by progressive business men because they realize in home building lies the real secret of prosperity. It arouses local pride and civic ambitions, a pull-together spirit which will briug about many community benefits. A builcling movement is the one public undertaking that makes the double appeal to municipal pride and. personal interest. It promises profit to every business firm and happiness to all.
It is a well established faet that cities are judged by their progressiveness, by their general civic improvements and by the number of people who own their own homes, a[d, in addition to the benefits of an Own-Your-Own-Home c&mpaign will bring to your own citizens, it will be.,the meaqs of much favorable publicity, will encourage otheiii to comd and locate, thus inereasing the population of yolrr eity, with a desirable class of eitizens, that will refleet aativity and prosperity to all.