3 minute read

Red Ceddr Shingle Sales Service

The Shingle Braneh of The West Coast l-rumbermen's Association, Seattle, Wash., have d.evised a "shingle Sales Service " which we believe is doing much and. will do more to improve the quality of Red Cedar Shingles, and also aid in their intensified. distribution.

That service is explained by R. S. Whiting, Secretary, as follows:

"Our 'Shingle Show' was cireulated among eight or ten of the larger retail lumber merchants' conventions this ' last Winter, is located in Chicago as permanent headquarters, to be shipped out in three crates by freight to any group of lumbermen who wish to display this show. It'is very simple to put up and. take down and is easily packed and unpacked from the erates. It contains twelve panels of stained shingles, displaying the various grades, as applied to both roof and side walls. It has numerous samples of shingles, which have been in use from 40 to 50 years, also an interesting disirlay of Red Cedar Shakes, and two large bulletin boards with a sufficient supply of photographs with which to cover them, all having in mind a clear description of the manner in which the logs are taken from the forest and put through the shingle mill in the process of manufacture and delivered to the car for the dealer.

"This shingle show has been at work ever sinee the retail eonventions were finished. ft was displayed by the Wichita dealers in 'Wichita, Kansas, also in Denver, Iroveland, Colorado and Des Moines, Iowa, and will be shipped by us to any point in the U. S. for use by any group of dealers so desiring the show.

"Our 'Shingle Sales Service' was designed to assist the shinsle salesmen in the fielcl. in interestins their customers in si'ingles, by a display of the different -grades, including Stars, Clears, Perfects, Perfections and Royals, showing the actual shingles and the defects in each grade, these to be contained in a case which is easy to carry, which case also contains five or six pockets, in which the salesman maj/ carry the following samples of literature issued by the Shingle Branch every week or ten days during the entire year, which literature is all of an edueational nature. The following list of subjects has been prepared and will be put into print as above described, the first seven having already been published:

Grading Rules.

Specifications for I-.,aying Sidewalls.


Shingles on Roofs and

Comparative Costs of Roofing Materials. Advertising Hihts.

The All-Shingletl llouse-The American llomes.

Shingles in the Making.

'What is Red Cedar-the Woocl?

Shingle Stains and Paints.

Panel Details for Making Shingle Displays in Retail Yards.

Trade Ethies.

Tracle Stories.

List of Cities Not Having Anti-Shingle Ordinanees.

Shingle Fire Ordinance Questionnai.re.

Insigaifieance of Shitrgle Roof Fires.

'What Eappened in Omaha.

How Asphalt Shingles and Roofing are Manufactured.

18. Arguments of Our Competitors.

19. Illustrated Fire Resistive Roofing Tests.

20. Chart Showing Cost of Siding Material.

27. Logging Recl Ceclar.

22. Care of Shingles in the Retail Yard.

23. Heat Conductivity of Shingle Sidewalls as Compared with Other WalI Construetion.

"All this literature is contained in our 'Shingle Sales Service', and before the year is out we expect to add hatf a dozen more subjects to our leaflets, booklets and pamphlets, and as many of these pamphlets can be obtained from this offico by the manufacturers or lumber merchants, and spaee will be left on the front page of each for the dealer's name, address, ete. At the present time, we are swarnped yith orders for the first five or six numbers. and. as soon as the manufacturers become thoroughly acquainted with this service, we expect to have a still greater demand for the service.

"It was our thought that through the salesmen in the field, we might secure distribution to the dealers of sales helps and arguments and suggested advertising copy, which would be of assistance in merchandising our product. This is one of the activities of our Association.

"Another one is the placing in the ffelil of the best and most experienced saw filer and millwright on the Pacific Coast, who endeavors to improve the quality of shingles manufactured. This man has been placed in the ffelcl at the service of all mills, and ealls on an average of 90 to 100 mills a month. We feel that with proper merchand,ising and a quality produet that 99/6 of our difficulties will be overcome. t'


California is today one of the newest and best territories which the hard.wood industry of the nation has marked. "Good" on its merchandising map.

California is a big eonsumer of hardwoocls toclay. It will be a much bigger one in the future, as the rapidly developing industrial activities ffnd need for a great variety of hardwood.

At present California is consuming large quantities of the higher grade hardwoods, principally in thg shape of flooring, trim and. eabinet wood.s.

Oak flooring from Texas, [.ouisiana, Arkansas and Tennessee are coming into California in large qubntities. Maple and oak flooring from Michigan is a strong contender for the flooring business and is aetively merchandised throughout the state.

Gum and oak are the chief hard.wood.s of the South that are ffnding business in California for factory stocks, cabinet work and general industrial purposes. It is along this line that there is a splendid chance for marliet developuient,'and the eyes of the hardwood men of the South are turned in this direetion.

'Within the neit yea.r there wilt be great activity:in the u'ay of missionary work by the hardwood producers and. dietributors in California territory.

Csanged The Naivie

They don't call them "bootleggers" any more in polite soeiety. They refer to them as "irrigation engineeis."

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