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It is not the habit bf Californiane to deal in superlativesl of course, but when it comes to the percentage of Eoo-Iloo members and the high degree of IIoo-Hoo enthusiasm, few people'are going to dispute that California takes ffrst place-easily.
'Whether this is due to the circum_ stanee that Californians are supDosed to.have Eeener judgment on thi^good llings of life or because they have -been "sold" on the merits of Hoo-Eoo to a greater extent than the good folks of other states, the fact remains that the grand. old order is on & sound, safe and active basis ib this glorious old state.
But in casting about for the one or several c&uses of EooEloo supremagl in California_it is just about necessary to throw out a full share of credit in the direction of Charles D I-reMa.ster of Fresno, supremo arcanoper of the order, who, for a year or more, has been traveling up ancl down the state and out of it, into other seetions of his jurisdiction, preaching the gospel of Hoo-Hoo, holding concatenations, rounding up whole basket-loads of young kittens, reinstatiug veteran cats and instilling inspiration and. enthusiasm among the IIoo-Hoo brethren particularly and among lumbermen generally.
A new distribt inoy be'established in the state to enbrace the region,*|ong the Coast north of Santa Barbara and south of San Jose with headquarters probably at San Luis Obispo. This section now is somewhat inaecessible from any of the existing districts and contains too muOh valuable IIoo-IIoo timber to remain thus neglected.
Cats Take Trip To Catalina
More than & score of Los Angeles and Southern California mbermen ioined in a iolly Hoo-Hoo excursion to Catalina lumbermen joined jolly fsland last Saturday and Sr rday Sunday. The party hacl a block ld at the St. Catherine l{otel. Most men- of room8 reserved Catherine bers of the party went fishing, but according to reports the tuna kept at a safe distance.
1ss Angeles cats have startecl the habit of hokling weekly meetings. They meet every Thursday in the rooms of the City club, Chapman builcling, Eighth street and Broadway. Davicl 'Woodhead, vice gerent, has been presiding but is trying to persuade the others to rotate the chairmanship each week. Visiting lumbermen, whethbr they are members of l{oo Hoo or not, are welcome at thete meetings.
what stroke of genius he can perform uext day for the bet- The order is going to be very active in Arizona this terment of Eoo-Iloo. No task is too hard. and no journey is year. A complete state-wide organization has been formed too arduous for him if he ean render some seryice thereby. and a series of concatenations will be held after the vacation But "Lee" modestly disclaims any particular personal se&son. credit'
3 {. C. I-right, of the Norman Light T:umber eompany of "Iloo-Hoo owes its strength to the personnel of its mem- :'Miama, has been appointed state counselor. Mr. I-iight has bers," he explains. "If anyone has done something worth been a member of the ord.er for a great many years, is one while it is Parson Simpkin and the excellent stafr of viee of the most progressive lumbermerof the state and'an imgerents we have in the state." portant figuri inhis community.
Ancl that is true. Parson Simpkin has done much for The following vice-gerents have been named.:, Syclnor S. Cornick of the McGonigle Lumber company, eouurry we[' as supr€uru cu6Prat,' "t^11._Y::t:_t;.fii Riordan, for,.the Mountain district; Albert'W. Stacy of the traveled. more than 251000 m'iles in the last year 4nd 'Il8s. floasaff Tnimhar .nmnqn' T)nrrolaa fnr **a hnrr:tan rtio*ia* Bassett lmmber compa.ny, Douglas, for the bord.er district, spoken to scores of lumber meetings and gained. thousand.s ,'*--of new recruits for Hoo-Hoo. 6@ru'u uuu^ouuD H1::t'rY".f1\L'"^1111.3:.K' 'wood Lumber companv' Phoenix, for the Valley dishict.
Another great element of strength is the stafr of vice
You can well look forward to some real aetion and some gerents. In the several districts they are: rertuN' rx u'E utDurruuD uusJ @ru' - _ ^ interesting neetings in Arizona from now on.
Southern, O. S. King, Charles R. McCormick & Co., San
"Lee" never goes to sleep at night without first thinking IIoo-Hoo, not only in California but in other parts of,tlg country as well. As supreme chaplain or the Order he'has Diego.
1-.,ss Angeles, David Wood.head, 'Woodhead Irumber Co., Lns Angeles.
San Joaquin Valley, Nelson Dennis, Valley Lumber Co., 'nrresno.
Sacramento VaileY, HarrY Co.. Lotli. Sacramento Lumber
6uy District;'Homer B. Maris, Maris Hardwood Co., San I*rancisco.
Northern, Percy Brown, Perc;r Brown Lrunbor.Co.n Eulgk&,
O. O. Russe[, geperal manager of the Colorad.o Continental Irrrrnber company of penver, has been calling on the California trade in the last few weeks. He renewed acquaintances around. the Bay district early in the month but ecca,pd from there just before the Shriners arrived.. Then he went down to fres Angeles where he found many old tine friends. Ee reports a good season for lumber in the mountain country. :