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HOO-HOO DOINGS (Cont*nued)
On aecount of the success'of the concatenation held at Eureka late in May, when R. A. Iliscox and Frank W. Trower, both past snarks of the universe, were present, at least one more concat will be heltl in the northern district of the state before the end of the summer. Percy J. Brown, vice-gerent for the district, already has plans under way.
A class of eleven kittens were received into the Order at Eureka. They are: T. W-. Hine, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Cornpany; J. II. IIoIt, Dolbeer & Carson; J. H. 4olTes, Holmes-Eureka Irumber Co.; C. R. Splain, R. J. Ilawkes, Thomas W. Moberly, Fred. C. Trace, Hammond. Lumber Co.; H. B. Koster, California Barrel Co.; C. G. Swanson, A. F. Stephens, Healdsburg, and W. A. Cox.
Douglas, Ariz., June 10.-In the first lloo Hoo concatena' tion conducted in Arizona in nir'-e years' 17 nimble kittens had their eyes opened here last night and with the energy anil clignity characteristic of the state, lapped their milk and becarne full-fledgecl members of the organization. fndeed it is considered a good omen that the rebirth of Hoo. Eoo in this groat state should take plaee after the lap-se of nine mystic years. From now on Arizona is going to be one of the most active spots on the map of the organization. Aaother concatenation is planned for the late summer season. The officers of the concatenation were:
The occasion was graced by the presence of a distinguished group of IIoo IIoo brethren from various parts of California and Arizona, including Charles D. LeMaster of Fresno, the supreme arcanoper of the ord'er, and Parson Peter Simpkin, the supreme' chaplain.
Mr. LeMaster had. charge of the concatenation and Parson Simpkin gave an eloquent and inspiring address to the cats and kittens foliowing the ceremonies. While Eloo Hoo in Arizona has romained more or less dormant through these nine years of inactivity, the individual members have lost none of their faith or.enthusiasm.
Snark, C. D. I-,eMaster.
Senior lloo lloo, John G. O'MalleY.
Junior IIoo lloo, Floyd A. Dernier.
Bojum, Albert StaceY.
Scrivenoter, Peter A. SimPkin.
Jabberwock, F. H. Beekman.
Custocatian, OIaf Olsen.
A-pcanoper, S. S. Cornick.
Gurd.on, S. G. Dowell.
Here are the names of the kittens:
John E. Wood, assistant manager of Bisbee l-,umber Company, Bisbee.
Francis C. Groves, salesman Flagstaff l:umber Company, Flagstaff.
Irving Jennings, secretary-manager Jennings l-.rumber Company, Douglas.
Henry H. Shoup, proprietor H. H. Shoup l,lumber Company, Phoenix.
John J. Halloran, secretary-treasurer lfalloran-Bennett Lumber Company, Phoenix.
Percival I. Merithew, resid.ent representative E. K. 'Wootl Irumber ComPanY, Iros Angeles.
Joseph Joss, owner Douglas Planing Mill, Douglas.
Nielson C. Pierce, manager Southwestern Sash & Door Company, Douglas.
Josoph William Tarcly, manager, Douglas I.rumber Company, Douglas.
Perry J. Jack, bookkeeper Douglas l-.,umber Company, Douglas.
Emil Marks, manager Bisbee Lumber Company, Bisbee. 'William M. Killen, president Foxworth-Killen l,,umber Company, Tucson.
Adolph H. Quist, lumber buyer, Moctezuma Copper Company, Nacozari, Sonora, Mexico.
James R. Henderson, manag'er Henderson-Watkins I-rumber Company, Bisbee.
Henry W. Swafford, vice president E. J. Stanton & Son Irumber Company, Los A:rgeles.
H. E. Brubaker, presid.ent Casa Grande l,umber Company, Chandler.
Ora D. Dwyer, manager El Paso Irumber & Door Company, Douglas.
Supreme Arcanoper "Charliil" I-.reMaster proved that he is a resourceful man when the Hoo Hoo grove committee and party made the trip into Ilumboldt County'a few weeks ago. The tourists reached a spot along the Eel river a few miles from the Bolling memorial grove. They saw an attractive stand of timber across the river. There was no bridge and the stream was too deep and too swift to ford across. But "I-ree" rose to the situation. Slipping behind a giant redwood he shed his outer garments and plunged into the river. The water was eold. He shivered. But once in he could not turn back. Carrying his clothes at arm's length above his head he half swam, half walked, to the opposite shore. There he again resumed the habiliments of civilization and made a casual inspection of the tract. As a result of his investigations this grove now is being considered., among the others, as the Hoo Hoo memorial.
According to present arrangements San Franciseo will be the scene of a big concatenation early in August. Plans are in charge of Homer B. Maris, vice gerent for the Bay district. A big attendance from the southern part of the state is expected and a 100 per cent turn-out from the Bay region is taken for granted.. California Hoo Iloo expect to be well represented at the forthcoming national conclave in Detroit and plans for the trip will be disctssed at this meeting, the probable date of which has been set for August 9. Mr. Maris is giving a heap of attention these days to the entertainment features of the eoncat.
Major E. G. Griggs, Snark of the Universe, is completing plans and arrangements for several important meetings to bo followeil with Concatenations in the Northwest. Plans are under way for meetings at Tacoma, Seattle, Everett and Aberdeen, 'Washington; Portland, Eugene and Bend, Oregon.
Parson Simpkin, Supreme Chaplain of the Order, will address all the meetings and will be accompanied by Snark Griggs. It is anticipated that meetings will be well attended and a large class initiated at each.