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Rondom Items-MiU Run
Charles R. McCormick, head of the various lumber and shipping enterprises tha.t bear his name, took a week or two away from his desk in San Franc,isco Iate in June and. journeyed down into the southern part of the state. He visited his offices in San Diego and l-.,os Angeles, as well as some of the McCormick yards.
Another of the Northwest's strongesf,sales executives has come to San Francisco to join the local lumber colony'
A. O. Nelson, a familiar figure in the Douglas fir lumber trade of Oregon for many years, has opened" up an office in the Central Building, I-:os Angeles, where he represents the Santa Fe l:umber Company of San Francisco.
Mr. Nelson formerly was sales manager for the Hammond Lumber Company at Astoria and later was associated in the wholesale lumber business in Portland with R. S.' Shaw. H9 has a world of friends in the Northwest and rapidly is becoming acquainted in Southern California.
He is Allen Turner, for the last two years sales manager for DOLBEER, & CARSON PREPARINC TO the Buehner I.lumber Company of Coos Bay and Portland, BUILD BIG NEW REDWOOD PLA$[ and his new position is assistant sales manager for the E. K. Another big and modern Redwood plant will soon be
Mr. Turner took up his new duties about June 1 and builders and operators. Accbrding to the announeement of for the, last month has been traveling through the central $r. Mugan, manager of the concern at San Francisco, they part of the state in company with Harry Vincent, assistant 7fuill erect a plant to manufacture 125,000 feet of lumber manager of the San Francisco office. / daily, and they have enough timber in the tract they will
It was only a few months ago that Harry Vincent him-\/ operate on to keep this mill going for at least sixty years.
Wood Lumber Company. built in Humboldt County. Dolbeer & Carson will be the self came from Portland to San Francisco to succeed U. G. This concern operates at the present time their original Richards. Mr. Vincent has been with the E. K. 'Wood or- plant at Eureka, Cal., which was started. in 1863 by the late ganization for a long time, first at the mill in Bellingham John Dolbeer and Wm. Carson, pioneers in Redwood proand later, for about three years, as head of the sales office duction in California. in Portland.
Mr. Turner has a record as one of the most successful sales managers in the fir territory. He formerly was with the Clear Lake I,umber Company at Clear l-,ake, Wash., and has had a wide experience in the selling end of the lumber game, on the road as well as at the executive desk.
Robert S. Osgood, son of George J. Osgood, of the Wheeler-Osgood company, sash and door manufacturers of Taeoma, 'Wash., 'will assume management of the eompaly's I-,os Angeles branch on July 1. Young Mr. Osgood has been in the automobile business in Santa Barbara for the last few years and was manied a few weeks ago to a young woman in Kansas City. He is now on his honeymoon trip.
Ever since Mark W. Lillarcl resigned' the management of 'Wheeler-Osgood's branch to take over the account of the Nicolai Door Manufacturing company of Portland, R. L. Reedy, sales manager at the head' office in Tacoma has been f""Liirl "ft.r the Ilos Angeles offiee. Mr. Reedy will remain in California until about August 1.
Fred Hamlin and Garry Bennett, two popular salesmen of San Francisco, became the owners and operators of the Pacific MiII & Timber Company on JuIy 1. The olcl corporation is dissolved and the new owners will operate the -business as a partnershiP.
Fred Hamtin has been selling lumber in California for a good many years and the last several years has been with the Charles R. McCormick L,umber Company. Garry Bennett has been selling on tl'e road for Hill & Morton. Both are keen, aggressive, experienced salesmen with lots of friends.
They will wholesale red cedar and redwood shingles and fir and redwood lumber.
Their manv friends are wishing them good luck in +,bcir naiden effort on their own account.
BBN S. WOODIIEAD, PR,E.SIDEITT OF A. W. L. A, vrsrTs sAl{ .FR.ar{cNco
One of the prominent Shriners attending the big convention at San Franciseo last month was Ben S. Woodhead of Beaumont, Texas, head of the Beaumont Lumber Company and enthusiastic president of the American Wholesale I.iumber Association. He visited with the lumber fraternity of San Francisco and incidentally signed up some new members for the A. W. I/. A.
Ben is one of the keenest salesmen in the business and is busy selling the. big wholesale association wherever he goes.
THE CAI-,IFORNIA I-/UMBER MERCEANT rises to remark that it considers the A. W. Ir. A. one of the most useful and progressive of all lumber assooiations, and is glad to see it increase its membership in the Golden West.
"Fifty-two per cent of the people of the Unitecl States live in rented homes, " said K. V. Haymaker, of Detroit, Michigan, to the National Association of Realty Boards in San Francisco the other day.
He repeated his story to the Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles later. He told the latter gathering that he understood "sixty-five per cent of the people of L,,os Angeles live in rented houses."
Mr. Haymaker declarecl this entire situation to be a dangerous one, conducive to all sorts of social evils, and a situation tending to breed disloyalty.
Mr. Haymaker has been one of the foremost advocates of the "Own Your Own llome" idea in this country for many years. He was with the Government Housing Board for a time, and is a great factor in the spreading of the building and loan movement to help the man of small meaus secure a home through securing for him long tine low rate loans.