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Is A Sofe Station On the Crowded Street Of Commercial Traffic
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WE OFFER: SOUND -INDEMNITY protection against loss which ia good as can be secured from any company anywhere; a policy secured by cash resources equal to five times the averase probable losses on all policies in force.
An insurance SERVICE not infallible brrt conscientious.
25 strong mutual allies with cash resources in Returned Dividends.
A tremendous saving to our Policy Holders of more than $24,000,000.
Both newandglectrically Driven. ,, The Wendling MilI; th€ rnost nibdett on the coast, started June lst, 1923. . . o
We do our ownloggug,own our.oayn loggrng railroads, and maintain up-to-date planing mills at both plants, ar well as dry kilns, sheds and extensive yards. At{l{uAt