2 minute read
Have We Kept the Faith?
One year ago today we launched the first issue of The California Lumber Merchant.
On this, the first anniverear5r of that event, we are issuing a Birthday Number. We trust that in its appearance, its facts, its philosophy, and its general intent and purpose, it may be something to which the lumber industry of California may point with pride. We have striven to make it such.
Of this we are certain-that it is the biggest and most pretentious "yearling" in the history of trade journalism.
The growth and development of The California Lumber Merchant in a single year's time, is something of which we are inordinately proud; There has been nothing like it before in the history of lumber iournalism. In size, importance, and business carried, it ranks well up with the oldest and best known lumber journals of the country. The matter of its popularity is a subject we are glad to leave to our readers; but it can easily be understood that its splendid growth must necessarily have been built upon the foundation of the expressed approval, friendrhip, and good will of the lumbermen-and ladies-' of California.
For all tte good will that has been rhowri ru; for nll the friendliness that has been showered upon us; for all the encouraging and kindly wordr ttat have bcen rpoken to us, and which have cheered us on our uTay-tve are deeply grateful and appreciative, and take this opporhrnity to say-Thank You"
We have tried to give Calirfornia a lumber irublication which it might proudly compare with any other journal in this or any other industry; we have tried to improve the VISION of the lumber industry. of California, to convince it of the high quality of its stewardship, of the duty it ower the public, of the reward for better serviccl we have triedin sf,e1tto meke the lumber folks jut a little prouder of the industry they are in, and of what it meenr to the world. ln our initial announcement in the July FirEt, lg22 issue, I said in this column concerning the new paper:
"We believe that there is a wonderful opportunity for The California Lumber Merchant.
"It will cater to every district of California, and to every branch of the industry.
"To the dealers it witl fundsh the latest news and markets, and will seek to help them with their advertising, their sellingr their service, equipment, etc.
"It will print the news of the rnills, and will seek to wisely exploit to the world the great forests of the state and its timber products generally.
"It will endeavor to act as the vehicle for the transportation of lumber news and ideas to and from every part of California, and every division of the industry.
"It will endeavor to spread the Gospel of cooperation and believea there is much need for that work in California. lt believes in Association activi. ties-in men getting together to help one another to the end that the public may be the better served.
"It will prictically and fearlessty handte alt subjects that arise affecting the lumber industrv of California. ttlt will cater to no particular part of Calirfornia, but will work to give all parb of tte rtate eqrnl reprerentation in itr columns.
"It will work in everlr way for tbe best interertr of the lumber industry in the whole state.
"And we will particularly try to invest the lumber business with the enthusiasm that we feel for ig with tfie sentiment that we aee in it, and with the help that the title 'Home Builders of the Nation' confer upon iLtt
THIS war our pronouncement.
Have we kept the faith?