3 minute read
The Mystery Solved
Just a yerr ago ran attractive stranger came to 9ur. lrome 3"king for admission to the fimily circle, (wit! a place rmder the reading l"rnp) and demanding a certain portion of our time and attention.
"My credentidr are impeccable," said the brisk n€rv-GornGrp "Itm the - brain child of Jack Dionne and the baby brother of the Gulf Coast Lurnberman both of whom reem to have won your entire confidence and approval."
j'1yo.gh saidrt' we replied, and with that we very gladly opened wide the door, and since that time we have found in the California Lumber Merchant an unfailing rource of inspiration, inrtructior4 and good cheer.
_ The child porrerge! 14 full mearure that ..pricelecs ingredient" of which he apoke upon the dav of Irl" fit"! appear.nce, "the honor, and integrity of him who made him;" and he har rtuck like a li1np"t to hir declaration of faith, teaching and proclai_ming at all times that "honor, integrity, wbr! end service are tte foundation upon which all succerrful busine* must be built."
He har infused into the lumber industry of California more than a modicum of his own ardent optimirm, and he har come to us individuatly with inrpiring messages of good cheer, helpful suggestions for tbe betterment of our daily work in office, home, and store; rapier-like thrusts for our shortcomingr, creative thoughts with which to brighten the pattern of our liver, and has furnished us with an abundance of the aort of intellectual and spirit- ual food that tends to strengthen charactq and mind by giving us a broader outlook over the world of affairs, and producing within ur a kindlier spirit toward our fellow men and women. He has given us the tonic of laughter3 he hac revealed to * thg beauty that lies in a seemingly comlrronplace round of duties, he has pointed to the rtarc.
In celebrating the first anniversary of the birth of such a child; we stand confronted with a marvel of growth and development for which Nature ofiers no_precedent. There have been no anxious days and nights dunng which we prayed high heaven io "8pare the chee'ildr" no feeble, fdtering steps for ur to guide with colicitous care, no agonized cutting of firet teeth, no idle moments, no inarticulate soundr and renrelers babblingE, no childish tricks !o "put away." From the very firut the California Lumber Merchant har thought, spoken, and acted like a man. And so it is no wond'er that we ane confused, amazed, and incredulous, in the presence of this mature being whose little year of lifi we are asked to commemorate and to whose party we have been gracioudy invited
Now it har been my privilege to rolve the myrtery, and I hasten to tell the story, fearing that if I hold my peace some may be led to believe that orr hurky youngster is fooling them, "trSring to put something overrtt or practiising an rmcanny type of modern white magic.
The California Lumber Merchant b NOT a CHILD, never waE, never could be. He rprang from the brain of Jack Dionne as did Minerva from the head of Jupiter, "matrre and in complete ar- mor." He carne to ur equipped with wirdom gained in the greet rchool of experience, and with the deeper and more rubtle knowledge which the mature mind and the kindly heart comprehend. He came fearlesdy, with clear-eyed virion; ready to fight the good fight yet bearing in hir hand the olive branch of peace; and he came eminently capable of preriding over the wondrous artc of home-relling, home-building, and home-making.
And so we may approach the erstwhile stranger not with childish toys, comical grimaces, and babbling tongues; but with the firm handshake, the hearty congratulations, and the earnestly expreesed hopes for a bright and prosperous futrre, which he has so richly eerned in ttthe year thatts awa.tt
The California Lumber Merchant is a delightful and inspiring guide, councellor and friend. We re- joice in his size, strength, and independence. We have been uplifted by his virion, thrilled by hia corrage and made joyous by hir laughter. We're wishing that all the good gods and godessel rnay pre- side over his destinies, giving to him the rturdy strength of our sky-fretting redwoodr, the clear wis. ion _of a prophet, and the tender, believing miracle working heart of a child. dnd we're rem-mbering that-
Back of the volume we treasure, itr maker ic hinted and ,hidden,
Into the pagec that cheer us, the soul of the scribe hes been bidden,
Under the wordr trhat allure ur, the wisdom and rollicking fun,
Lier the dream in the heart of a leader, and the man and hir task are ar one.