1 minute read
fu Jact Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Some less.
Pick Mah Feet Up
An American offrcer who war mking hir way elong a torn-up road in a lector that war being fairly rained-on with Gerrnan rhellr, heard voicer that reemed to come from tte bottom of a greet rhell crater alongeide tte road. It war the dead of winter, there war mud to the knees werywhere, and the yawning ehell-holer were'mortly caverns of mud and dime, that clung to feet and cl,othing in almort overpowering volume.
The officer rtepped over, and looked down into the rhellhole, and there at the bottom wa! l colored roldier, down on hir kneer in a rea of mud, and he war praying from tte bottom of hir heart, and hb prayer ran like tth:
"Oh, Lawd, pick mah feet up! Ob Lrwd' pick mah feet up! Oh, Lawd, pleasq PLEASiE pick mah feet up!"
"\f,fhat do you mean, pick your feet up?" called down the officer to the prayerful darkey.
"Ah mean PICK MAH FEET UP; dat'r what ah mern' ruh! Ah wantr to leave dirhere awful place, an de mud ir ro deep ah caint rur, but if the Lawd will only pick mah feet UP, Ah'l put'em down, and we ruttinly will tnvel."