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LumDer California Consumption Facts
Here are some pertinent facts concerning the c'onsumption of lumber shipped by cargo into Californi'a: During the year in which The California Lumber Merchant has in existance, the following were the receipts of lumber at the Port of Los Angeles:
T'lhis is a total of,1,477,W,000 feet of lumber shipped into this port in 11 months. The final month of the year is lune, 1923, which is still incomplete as this is written.
However up to and including June 20th the shipments totalled 118 cargoes, carrying 118,1'14,000 feet o{ lumber, so it is very safe to say that the 'totals for June will reach 150,000,000 feet. Add this to the total shown above, and we have a grand total of 1,67,000,00q feet for the twelve months.
To state that this is the biggest twelve 'months this port has ever known is sta;ti[rg it very mildly. This of course includes shipme:rts of Redwood from Northern California as well as shipments into the state from the Northwest.
The s'hipments into this same territory for the first six month of last year, l9Z:2, totalled 417,&6,4n feet, as against 9ffi,980 for the sa'me time this year.
We Are Panel Headquariers For Southern California
We carry the largest stocks of standardpanels in this territoryready for prompl delivery to purchaser.
(lUR PANII. sT0c[s
Bataan Mahogany

Panels, l-4, 5'-16 and 3-8, both 3 and 5 ply, both one and two sides good, l-16 inch facc vencer. Also piano bench tops, table topc, counter fronta and drcsscr tops; venecr l-10 and | -l 6 inch aliced.
Philippine Duali
Panclq l -4 and 3-8, 3 and 5 ply, one and two sidcr good.
Also piano bench topa, countcr topr and table tops.
Standard Panels
Full lincr of pancls, ready for ehipment, of TOBASCO MAHOGANY
OurParticular Special Bataan
We have an enviable reputation for speedy service, dependible and well assorted stocks, and a square deal for every customer.