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California Lumber Associations Have Active Year
'Ihe past year has been ar important one in lumber Association work.in California.
Not only have all the older associations progress6d activell during the past twelve months, but several new organizations have come to life that are playing a very active part in the lumber life of the state.
Last October t'irere was a general meeting of retail lumbermen in San Francisco, in response to the call of the then existing California Lumbermen's Association, a year okl organization of a11 lumbermen of a statewide character. At the San Francisco meeting it was decided to change the organization to a strictly retail statewide association, which was then and there done, called the California Retail Lumbermen's Association. It is progressing nicely, with C. W. Pinkerton, o{ Whittier, President; A. B. Wastall, of San Francisco, Manager; and Miss Jessie Egglestln, Secr,etary.
' Another important inew lumber association of the past year organized llst November is The Los Angeles District Lu,mbermenls Club, a retail organization covering Los Angeles a.td its immediate vicinity of which E. D. Tennant is Secretary-Manager. It is prosperous and growing fast.
The Lumber Salesmen's Club of the Los Angeles District is an organization ,of retail lumber salesmen of the Los Angeies district4 of which E. D. Tennant is President, M. F. Curtze is Secretary, and Chas. Elliott is Vice President.
The Coast Counties Lumbermens Club is the newest lumber organization in the state, having been organized Jane Znd, 1923, covering the Sali,nas Valley and Monterey Counties. C. H. Griffen, Jr., Santa Cruz, is President, and A. M. Sinclair, Santa Cruz, Secretary. It will'meet monthly.
During the spring ol 1923 another association event of importanqe transpired when The Western Retail Lumbermdn's Association, with general offices in Spokane, 'Wash., opened their Southern Bra4.g!.OT:. in Los Angeles.
The chief lumber organizations ofi Cdlifarrtia,'iri addition td the above;ihat are progressing steadily and in excellent .r ;.. r{ health arifie present time, are the following: ihq Lumber Association of San Francisco. .., ' l: lllire San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club.
The Lumbeimen's Exchange, of Los Angeles. :''.'.
"The Lumbiii'salesmen's Club' of San Francisco.
The Southern California-Rtitait' Liimber Dealers Assoclatton.
The Orange County Lumbermen's Club.
The Central California Lumbermen's Club.
The Sacramento Valley Lumberr-nenrs Club.
The Douglas Fir Club, of San Francisco.
The California Redwood Association.
The Cal. Sugar & White Pine Association.
The Unitecl Sash & Door Dealers of Southern California.