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Modern Lumber Yard at Stockton
ture in this room is also of oak, and irr the floor they have used four grades of oak as a display of their various qualities, clear plain, select quartered, select plain, and No. I common.
The President's office is trimmed in American Walnut, the floors are of clear quartered white oak, and the furniture of American Walnut.
The shipping department contains pine panels and trim, aurd the floors are of Maple. The passageway leading from the main office to the shipping department is paneled in Red Gum, and is floored with No. 1 Common Oak.
One of the most modern, practical, and thoroughly attrac'tive retail lumber plants in the State of California, has just been completed by The Falconbury Lumber Company, of rvhich W. H. Falconbury is President and Manager, at Stockton. Both the office and yard are models of attractiveness and neatness, as rvill be seen in the accompanying pictures.
The office is built on the most progressive plan, keeping in mind in the arrangement, finis'hing, and decoratitng of the interior, the idea of conveying interesting building thoughts to everyone who enters.
The chief'new feautre of the office is the display and sales room, which tlrey are going to call their "Home Builders Library." It is finished in Philippine Mahogany, is attractively papered between the battens, and the floor is of cleir quarter sawed white oak. The furniture is of American Walnut. Tney plan to make quite a feature of this room. equipping it with not only plan bo,oks of every kind that can be had, but also books covering all building subjects, on decorating, heating, lighting, etc. It will be open to the public as a source of building information.
In the main office the panels are in quarter sawed white oak, while the casing, base, and battens, are in clear plain white oak, thus =^howing the contrast in the two. The furni-
The designs of the trim throughout t'he office are such that they might be used in the finest of homes, and the designs in the display room and private office are aimed to show the builder fine materials and workmanship. The painting job throughout, is beautiful. The hardwood finish was filled, given t'hree coats of vartnish, and then hand rubbed, giving it a beautiful dull finrsh. The idea was to incorporate into the office floors and trim the various trim they will recommend to home builders.
The Falconburj' Lumber Co'mpany has reason to be very proud of its hew plant, and The California Lumber Mer'chant congratulates them on their prolressiveness.