1 minute read

Lumber Production of California

According to Government Forest Service figures, there was 381 billion feet of commercial timber standing in the State of California. Those figures were computed"about a year and.a half ago.

It is interesting to note at this time, the rate at which this tim,ber is being cut. Of course it is understood that probably great quantities of this timber is inaccessable, yet the grand total is staggering.

According to the best available production figures, there was ctlt between January first and July first, 305,500,000 feet of Redwood in California.

From the best sources of information the following are approximate production figures from January first to-July first of the following other commercial species:

Add to this the Redwood production for the same period, and we have a total of. 760,636,118 feet of lumber as the total production of the state of California for the first six months of 1923.

Catholic school erecled in 1870. nol, being ilivrcntleil for ils sound Redvood lumber.

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