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Standardization Of Structural Timber
At its last meeting the Consulting Com,mittee on Lu,mber Standards approved, the following recommendation on structlrral timber grades wrhich originated, with a subcomrnittee of the Lumber Manufacturers Standardization Committee.
"The Committee recommends that all structural timbers be divided int,o two general divisions to be known as "Standard" and "Common;" the "standard" to include that timber com,mercially known as Merchantable Longleaf in Southern Pine and Selected Common in Douglas Fir; the "Common" to include those grades designated as Square Edge and Sound and N,o. 1 Common in Southern Pine and No. I Common in Douglas Fir and that the present specification of the regional associationS be revised along the lines of the Forest Products Laboratory's recommendation so that the grades may be given a definite working stress."
Mr. A. D. McKinnon of McKinnons Lumber Yard at Hollister, has completed the purchase of the entire plant of the San Benito Mill & Lumber Company in the sa.me city.
This yard was owned by Mr. T. Sciodhetti who has been engaged in the lumber and building game in Hollister for some time. The yard burned a year ago, and the former owner has just completed rebuilding the mill and warehouses.
Mr. McKin:ton announces t'hat he will continue opera- tions at this ya.rd on the same lines established by the former management.
New Yard In Bell
C. A. Hiller and J. Neilson have opened the Tweedy Boulevard Lumber Compary, at Bell.
This new concern will handle a complete line of building r.rr'aterials as well as a planing mill.
Advertising Novelty
The H. W. Koll Company of Los Angeles, wholesalers and jobbers of panels, veneers, wall boards, etc., and origin. ators of the famous Kolco panels, are mailing an advertising novelty to the trade that should find favor. This is a cardboard box containing six six inch round samples of Upson Board, one of the wall boards handled liy this company. On the face of each piece there is a clever rymb, suggesting that it might be used as a table mat, to protect table tops from hot and cold dishes. Dealers will no doubt use these to advantage in distributi:rg to their customers, assuring the H. W. Koll Company of some lasting publicity.
Long Beach Receives Much Lumber In June
The Municipal Docks at Long Beach were crowded to capacity during the month of June, and authorities report heavier shipments of lumber through that port during this month than for any former like period.
Hold Out Your Hat For All the Waste
UILD a house with Schurnacher Wall the ready prepared, pre-shrunk wall terior andexterior.
Board--for in-
Then gather up all the srnall waste pieces. You can put them into a hat.
Schurnacher Wall Board comes in convenient sizes. All waste is eliminated. Easily and quickly applied. Schurnacher Wall Board is one of the most economical forms of building :construction.
Durability, perrnanency, and low,co st--o-f up-keeP are further ieasons wht Schurnacher Wall Board is so economical.
But be sure and get the genuine. Look for the trade rnark on ev6ry piecd. Andshun ttre chea-p substitutes as you would the plague. Th"y will cause you endless wofflr and cost much more in the lorig run. Ask youflurnber dealer,-carpenter or contractor about Schurnacher Wall Board.