2 minute read
A Loan Institution That Insists on "2x4" Studding
By H. E. HOSSICK, Manager Application Department Securi4t Housing Corporation, Los '{ngeles
It taftes a tangible concrete thing like a 2x4 to make an impression on lome people.
A 2x4 makes a deeper impretrion than a 2x3.
When the Security Housing Corporation annourced its ability and willingnecs to make 70% buildihg loans for people of moderate means, it naturally aroused interest everywhere.
Lumber dealers and material dealers were intereqted. They became more interested when they learned of the Security Plan and how it practically guaranteed full and proftpt settlement of all just bills. They learned that credit, collection and legal departments were unnecessary on curity" jobs.
But what has this to do with 2x4's?
Jut this-that the Security Housing Corporation cannot afford to make tttop-heavytt ten-year loans on flimsy hotrres.
A houe of 2x3 frame may be staunch, but it is not nearly ro apt to be as onc of 2x4.
2x4 rtu&, 16" o.c., double top pliater, 2x4 ceiling joistr, 2x6 floor itists, 16" o.c.r 2x4 underpinning also 16" o.c., 4xG girderr on 4x4 poot+ thele few of the Security Houdng Corporation minimum lcguirementr, phu careful inrpectionr and plur other thinge in keeping, help make for hone*, well-built hourer that will laEt indefinitely.
A 2x3 or a 2x4 ir 'only as rtrong as itr weakeet part. But if a 2x3 hac a 2" knot that cutr down itr rtrength two-thirdr, it is obviout that a 2x4-with the came knot-ie twice ar rtrong at an €t(perue of only onethird more footage;-and that ir rough! A 2t4 b more tlnn one-third rtronger than a 2x3 on horizontal tpa$.
But 2x3 and 2x4 are almort never used rough. When eized they become l3/4z2sA "o6 1s7nx3s/+, gdrrd a little figrning will rhow that by paying for 33 l-3% more footage the builder will get 36.3% morc
It ir not a prodigioru difference. But it has a wonderful effect. A! raid above, it taker a 2x4 to make an imprerrion on rome people. And the general prychological effect ir to gain sturdier, more rolid conrtruction \
Howing corporation charger for itr rervicc. Itr rendce promiler better housea lt will be continuing to promire and to fiirance only better houses for a great many years. And itr officerr, who have been build' ing more or leet for the last 2O yeans, and know the value of good conrttrrction, want their houser-ten to twenty year.a from 1ery-[9 command a' premium because of the guarantee as to rturdy conrhrction originally.
It would be intene*ing to calculate the increasq in total lumber demand that would result if 2x3lr were universally dircarded. But instead of adding to C,alifomiatr total housing cort it would, in 'the end, reduce it for the perfectly familiar realon tfiat a ohrrdy old house will yield to repair and rcmodelling. What can be donc, 2O yean from now, wirh "mort of thc 2r3 hourer thnt jrut "get by" the city iupcctorl or (outride of citicq) irrt berely rtind up?