1 minute read
is hard to convince but, once you show hlm, he becomes your best customer, because he knows what he wants.
Now here are a few thlngs you can show him:
LOOKS: Take him to the nearest shingted cottage. You can tell REDWooD shingles at a glance by the way they stay put, by thelr rich color, unstreaked and unfaded. Ask the owner how many years those shlnlles have been on.
INTERIORS: There is sure to be a lovely little church nearby, finlshed in REDWOOD.
DURABILITY: Here is your chance to make that Missourian open his eyes. Visit the tannery; eee of what wood the vats are made. Go to the factory-the tanks there are made of REDWOOD. Ask the foundryman of what material he makes his patterns. REDWOOD, of course, because itis so easy to work. REDWOOD boards seldom split when nailed, like woods with alternate soft ahd hard streaks.
THEN even a Missourian will be satisfied with your answer to the questiop-
Alblon Lumber Cornpany
Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.
Glen Blair Redwood Company
Hammond Lumber Company
J. R. Hanify Company
Hobbs, lVall & Company
Holmes Eureka Lumber Co.
Little Rlver Redwood Co.
Mendoclno Lumber Uompany
Northwestern Rbdwood Co.
The Pacl0c Lumber Company
Unlon Lumber C,ompahy