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Bentley Lumber Company Feature at Exposition
Possibly never before in the history of Building Material Merchandising has a more unique, practical and creative plan for instilling desire for homes and general interest in home building been conceived of, adopted and executed. 'fhis progressing firm enlisted the united support of Glendale's high school students by giving a number of attractive prizes, pnd so worthy were the inducements and so great was the interest shown, studies were virtually forgotten by those who entered the contest until they had exercised their talent in creating rvhat each thought would 5urely cop the grand prize.
Terms of Contest and Awarding of Prizes
Contest open to all Glendale High School students. No restrictions as to one or two-storv.
One-story home must contain five, six or seven rooms (optional).
One-story home to contain not less than 900 square feet, nor to exceed 1400 square feet. All rooms must contain not less than n.inety square feet.Breakfast nook, bath room, screen porch, hallways, not classed as a room.
Scale of floor plan rl inch to I foot.
Floor plan (drawn wit'h pencil on tracing paper), showing arrang'ement and size of rooms to accompany r.r.rorlel.
Home must be patterned from Spanish design.
Scale of model not over /z inch to 1 foot nor less than r/g inch to 1 fodt.
Basement considered a room.
Two-Story House
Two-story home must contain five, six, seven rooms, (optional). or eight fwo-story horne to contain not less than 11100 square feet, nor to exceed 200O square feet. All rooms must contain not less than 9O square feet.
Breakfast nook, bath room, screen porch, hallways not classed as a room.
Scale of two-story floor plan r/t incb to 1 foot.
Floor plan showing arrangellrent and size of rooms to accompany model.
Home must be patterned from Spanish design.
Scale of model not over I inch to 1 foot, nor less t}m;n l( foot.
Basernent considered a room.
Plans for Judging
"The prizes will be awarded by a committee of three architects who shall judge each floor plan as to arrangement and general accuracy. The models will be judged as to correctness to detail and artistic appearance.
All models and floor plans to be ready for inspection May 23, 1923. Models will be placed on exhibition at the Glendale Industrial Exposition.
Ideas and any additional information wanted will be cheerfully given at this address. Contestants are at liberty to consult our plan department at 460 West Los Feliz Road.
(First prize, $35.00; Secon<[, $25.00; Third, $15.00: Fourth, $10.00; fifth, $5.00'; Sixth, $5.00-; Seventh, 95,.00."
It won't be hard for those reading this article to conceive of the wonderful amount of publicity the Bentley Lumber Compan-v received, not only from those entering the contest, from their parents, friends, etc., but during the ten days these n-rodel miniature homes were on dlsplay'at. the (Contiaqed on Next Page)
Because Long-Bell Oak Flooring is made from the selection of only the best rough oak lumber;
Because it is aid dried, kiln dried and manufactured only under modern methods and with modern equipment;
Ebcause Long-Bell Oak Flooring is graded by high class graders, inspected by the chief inspector and his assistants, and is manufactured under the supervision of experienced oak fooring men;
Long-Bell Oak Flooring has become known to lumber men and home owners as "The Perfect Floor"'
Long-Bell Oak Flooring can be identi' fied bv the Long-Bell trade'mark on the back of the Piece.