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Wheeler, Osgood Also Celebrates
Robert S. Osgood of The Wheeler, Osgood Co., celebrates annlwersary together
On Jrrly first last year Bob Osgood and the California Lumber Merchant made simuitaneous appearances in Los Angeles and after a year on the job handling the afiairs of the big Tacoma door and panel manufacturing firm, in this territory, Bob seems to have found the atmosphere just as healthy for growth as has the most thriving infant in the history of lumber journalism.
Immediately upon his arrival in Los Angeles O,sgood developed a new slogan which has been the foundation of all of the activities of lhis company since he has been here"Your Service is Our Pleasure." When Jack Dionne welcomed him into our midst this slogan was one of the outstanding features of Bob's part of the conversation, and a year from the day it was first used it is going stronger than ever, having appeared at least once each ,month in connection with "'WOCO" adverisements in the California Lumber Merchant, for Mr. Osgood is an advertising enthusiast.
That this phrase has been lived up to in spirit and deed by the Wheeler, Orgood organization is attested by the great number of warm friends that they have gained and the splendid business that has been coming to them, for Bob Osgood seems to have been tireless in his efforts to create a better understanding between the Northern manufacturers and Los Angeles buyers. His prime purpose has been to conduct.Wheeler, Osgood operations for the good of the general cause of co-operation, mutual help, service and the well-known quality of Wheeler, Osgood products that the interests of the trade can be fostered to the betterment of all concerned.
The factory at Tacoma has just been through a year of improvement and expansion, unparalelled in its history; a year that has placed it in the front rank of door and panel manufacturers with the largest productior of any stock factory in the Northwest and with an enviable reputation for combining quantity production and quality products. They now have their own timber, their own sawmills, their own panel plant and their own door factory, which together with the warehouse here in Los Angeles mean real service for this territory.
Bob Osgood seems to have been bitten with the Los Angeles bug severely and likes the town, the prospects and above all the people, waxing particularly enthusiastic and sincere with his thanks to those good friends to whose assistance he credits what success he has had here.