3 minute read
Why The Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo
By C. D. LEMZSTERS, Fresno, Supreme Senior Hoo-Hoo
Ff,ave you ever been in real trouble: Financial, commercial, personal, etc? Have you? If so, to WHOM did you go for advice? A friend, a stranger, or sworn enemy? It is a cinch that you did not seek the advice of the latter, and very doubtful if you called on a stranger. In 99 ti'mes out of a hundred there is only one way out-through a FRIEND.
How did you accu,mulate that friend: by never associating with him; never favoring him; or did you at times go out of your way to be sociable, to extend him a favor or re:rder a distinct service ? You bet you did, and therefore when you needed a FRIEND you called on the ONE with whom you had enjoyed friendly relations, didn't you?
Yep, and that's the reason YOU should associate with your brother lumbermen, HOO-HOO BROTHERS, favor them, render them a distinct service when possible, and above ALL provide them CLEAN competition.
And when trouble comes you will always have a FRIEND on u,'hom you can ,call for counsel and UNDERSTANDING sympathy which will help materially to straighten things out. You cannot get along without competition in the lumber business (or any other for that matter) and it is much better that they be friendly.
HOO-HOO philosophy endeavois to demonstrate the high utility of FRIENDSHIP.
That the theory is sound is the testimony of 33,000 lumbermen who have entered the gardens of the RIGHT and LEFT.
That time does not destroy our IDEAL is proven over a period of 32 years for HOO-HOO FRIENDSHIP never dies.
A HOO-HOO has many friends.
Hoo-Hoo is not a fanciful order but instead, a most prac-
Galiforti Ia Wii Ite
FAUL BUNYAN LATH, sheathing and lath combined in one piece" A perfect bond for stucco. A solid job of sheathing. One less item of material to buy. Reduces cost.
tical organization, ever w,orking for the development of higher ethical standards of business relations, and a more comprehensive understanding of our obligation to society.
HOO-HOO is a human forest of Brawn and Brain matching its activity against the natural forests for higher utility, conservation and perpetuation of one of the greatest resources of the Nation.
Lumbermen owe it to their individual business, and the industry as a whole, to ass.ist in the great work Hoo-Hoo is doing. If lumbermen are to ,make the most of their business and achieve the best for the indus,try, they 'must courageously apportion their time and efforts among things justified.
California lumbermen have sensed the noble function of Hoo-Hoo, and responded with their members,irip and active support, and as a result, California is the Leading HooHoo State of the Union.
And now let us take stock of the effect. as merdhants make inventories of their goods.
'fhe lumber business in California has remained more stable than any other portion of the United States.
There is a greater degree of Cooperation between individuals and districts than elsewhere. And there is a greater organization effort to serve the home builder with expert advice, plans and inform,ation to aid him in the development of his home, which is creative of business and many other equally beneficial results, all ofwhich are traceable to the FRIENDLY interchange ,of ideas which can onlv come through FRIENDLY acquaintance. That is, "'wHY?"' HOO-HOO.
HOO-HOO developes that FRIENDSHIP.
The door of Hoo-Hoo is open to all WORTHY lunibermen and Hoo-Hoo is worthy of ALL lumbermen. 1
Building lumber and Finish. Factory Lumber. Pattern Stock. Wi& clears and uppers for drainboards and shelvittg. Siding and Moldingr, Lath and Shook.
"Largest Producers of California Pines"
Over 2O0TOOOTOOO feet ennually. Continuous year tround production
Fine Textured, Soft Fibered Vbod
has ever been the preference oI workers and dealers in lumber products, sincd the time when northern white pine set the itandard and supplied our needs.

Wood oI this character is easily worked, responds readily to edged tools' takes nails without splitting and being lree from excessive resinous content or hard streaks, assuies smooth surlases that take paint perfectly.
Particularly are these qualities sought in lap and buqSalgw siding, finish and mouldings-items wUch make or mar the exterior finishing refinements of every well-built home.
Today,California is meeting this prelerence with a qudity-ol Sugar andWhite Pinewhich is the peer, if not indeed the superior oI the oldnorthern species ie produced from the Crolden State'g finest marketed according to etandards eetab' *r"ri",y oI soft textured dmber, grown in lished during nearly hdl acentury of eucthe primeval lorests of Sieras' slopeE, and cesfulcateringtodiscriminatirycu*rera
Try our lattq also' in your nerct car. They are extra eott-
D. H. STEINMETZ,IT., Los Angeles Sa/es Manager
1O21 Tide In3urance Building ' Lc Angeles' Calilornia