1 minute read
fillin the bi inclusirre order FacilitiesMean to Lumber B,tyers
tTrnB remarkable raw material resources and the I great manufacturing capacity of Tacoma and Tacoma District enable "The Lumber Capital cf America" fr9quen1ly to -handle, advantageously, large special and inclusive orders.
Remember that here is manufactured eoetything in Pacific Northwest forest products.
Remember that here we have the largest remaining star.rds of merchantable timber.
Remember that here we have, in large numbers, tremendous trees of Douglas Fir, Rd Cedar and West Coast Hemlock, suitable-for "to order" manufacfirre.
And, remember that here we have the stripping facilities, both rail and water, to render quick, efHcient and compretrensive service.
To have your inquiries reach ALL of the lumber manafactrrins interests of Tacomaffirr:;"frir?utrict, uith leasl delas,