1 minute read
Big Electric Mill is Nearing Completion
William Carson and John
First Owners Shipped First Cargo From This Port
,Improvements by the Dolbeer and Carson Lumber cornpany which when completed will cost in the neighborhood of $1,000,000 are now being made and in the course of a few months the firm will be sawing redwood lumber in the rnost up to date electrically equipped mill on the Pacific Coast. With the increased production of the output, the Carson woods will also have to be increased to supply the dcmand for sawlogs, and for this purpose additional equipment both for cutting and railway transportation will be provided.
Little do the old saws at the present mill imagine that they are preparing their own doom. While they sing merrily through mwlog after sawlog on a day and night shift they are cutting the lumiber which is being used in the construction of the new mill. Everything will be new and of the most modern type at the new mill as nothing from the old mill will be used in the new establishment. The old building will be dismantled and the present site used for additional drying yards.
Buildings which are being constructecl and which will house the equipment of the new establishment include: the main mill building ; powerhouse; fuel bins ; refuse burner; planing mills and dry kilns.
Additional and new wharves will be constructed along the water front and although the new wharf will not increase the shipping front materially the new equipment will speed up the loading of cargoes. The additional space along the waterfront will probably make room for one additional ship.