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New Red Cedar Shingle Bureau
The Red Cedar Shingle Manufacturers of the pacific Northwest, including the Shingle Bran,ch of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association and the Shingle Manufacturers' Association of British Columbia annou:1ce the organization of a Red Cedar Shingle Market Extension and Information Bureau with offices at 4455'White-Henry-Stuart Building, Seattle, Wash., and Chicago, Ill., from which places they are prepared to serve the retail lumber merchants of the U. S. and Canada, with material necessary to assist in merchandising their product.
The Board of Management of the Bureau consisting of E. E. Case, Ravm'ond, 'Wash., W. C. McMaster, Seattle, Wash., J. A. Edgecum,be, Vancouver, B. C., and N. R. Whittall, Vancouver, B. C., representing the Board of Trustees of these two shingle associaaions have perfected plans which will immediately be put into effect. It is expected the Bureau will be the means of bringing the shingle manufacturers of the Coast in closer co:ltact with the retail lumber merchants throughout the country and enable them to better adminster to the needs and requirements of the trade.
A staff of field men is beirrg sent into the field at once prepared to assist the retailer in moving his stock of Red Cedar Shingles from his yard to the roofs and side walls of North American homes. Tne Bureau is equipped with comprehensive exhibits displaying Red Cedar Shingles as applied to the home. These displays can be used by lumber merchants in their service rooms, at Own-Your Home Expositions, State and County Fairs and in other places for the purpose of demonstrating the artistic manner in which shingles may be used to make a home homelike.
These exhibits carry generous supplies of literature as well as sections of Cedar logs, groups of photographs, picturing logging as well as the manufacturing of Red Cedar Shingles-in other words, "from the tree to the home." A small model of a beautiful all shingle home will accompany each of these displays. No expense is being spared to make these exhibits the central feature of all expositions at w'hich they are displayed.
Since the Red Cedar Shingle has become a national necessity for economy, durability and beauty as the exterior covering of homes, it is expected this service the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau is maintaining will be generally used by retail lumber merchants collectively as well as individually and for this reason the Bureau is looking forward to a busy year in supplying the needs of the retail trade throughout the United States and Canada.