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Lumber By-Products, North and South
From Shasta's Lofty Summit to Coronado's Silver Strand.
Mammoth Expositton To Qpen Geles Ivly 2
An enormous amount of building materials have been used in the construction of the elaborate ard collosal structures at Exposition Park, the Motion Picture Exposition and historical revue to be held laly 2 to August 4. Spotsored and' adequately financed by the leaders of the motion picture industry and allied interests this will be the greatest exhibition and spectacle of its kind ever presented.
Recounting the highlights of A,merican history, and depicting in detail the remarkable strides made in the development a.nd use of rnoti'on pictures in virtually every commercial and amusement activity, the exposition will be a remarkable educational and entertaining feature of the decade.
Foremost authorities in art, science, history and cinematographic enterprises have contributed in the preparations for the affair, and the management declares that their fondest hopes and expectations will be greatly surpassed in the pretentious,presentations scheduledl in an astonishingly brilliant program of daily events.
Virtually every motion picture star and irnpresario will participate. In the mammoth Coliseum will be the largest stage ever constructed, and such collosal vehicles as "The Last Days of the Aztecs," "Montezuma" the tremendous pyrotechnic presentation depicting the fall of a great regime, hippodrome offerings summoned here from the four corners of the earth and similar spectacles will be shown in settings heretofore never equalled.
In the Spanish city outside the great walls of the Coliseum will be found 10ffi attractions in which the leadirg motion picture stars will be featured in personal receptions to the guests.
So entrancing will be the daily programs, it is expected that thousands will be constant patrons during the brief period of the exposition.
The Chicago Lumber Company of Washington, with head offices for nrany years in K.ansas City has announced the removal in the very near future of their main offices to San Francisco. They will continue the Kansas City office as a branch; Mr. J. E. Cool will be in charge.
M.. J. V. 'Graham, general manager of this ,company states that their decision to make this move came through a desire to better serve the ever increasing business going through the Pacific Coast, and especially California.
The Chicago Lumber Company of Was'hington also operates offices at Portland and Seattle, as well as in Denver. Chicago and New York.
They handle immense quantities of Pacific Coast lumber.
Mr. Chas. I. White, So.uthern California represenaative of the Mcleod Lumber Company, has returned to Los Angeles from'a ten-days' visit at San Francisco.
While in San Francisco, Mr. White was in conference with Mr. T. B. Blanchard, San Francisco agent for the McLeod Company, and Mr. Ira P'. Smith, of Portland, who is in charge of the California sales. The Mcleod Lumber Company is row handling the entire output of the 'Western Redwood Company, at Montolle, Mendocino County.
Friendly Business
The Hart-Wood Lumber Company point type schooner "Pt. Loma" from ard will put her in coastwise service.
has purchased tne the Shipping Board This boat was built originally by the Shipping Board for the Norwegian Government. She will carry two million feet.
Donovan Back On The Job
Andy Donovan, popular assistant manager of the'Union Lumber Company's Los Angeles offices, has returned from a two-weeks' vacation, spent with relatives in Berkeley. Andy is all rested up, says he is all sur-burned and full ol pep.
D. C. Rounds, vice president of the Owens Parks Lumber Company at Los Angeles, left last week to make an extended trip through the north and east. Mr. Rounds will be gone about four months, going first to Vancouver, B. C., and then to Chica,go where he will pick up his car that he shipped from Los Angeles, and will motor to New York.
While on this trip he will make a:r inspection trip through his retail .yards in Kansas. Mr. Rounds is owner of the Porter Rounds Lumber Company, of Wichita, who operate thirty yards in that part of the country.
The business of being a lumber dealer isn't all smooth sailing, any more than any other business is. There are patches of "rough water" encountered every day-problerns constantlY coming up to remind the dealer that a dollar isn't so easily made af ter all. Anything to make his daily effort a littte more f ruitful-more pleasant- is something for the lumber dealer to give counsel to. One thing that is of decided value to the dealer in making friendly business is Superior Brand Oak Flmring. Its high q,l.lity., the prompt delivery.we can make, lnsure cnosumer sattstaction that means increased good will with greater business. If you are not a Superior Dealer, write us to show you how it yill be to your advantage to be @e,
$upedor Oak Flooring Go. HELENA" ARKANSAS
Represented on the Prcific Coast by W. M. Beebe- 259 First National Bank Building, San Francisco, California. Ios Angeles representative, Rollins A, Brown. 1155 McCadden Place, Ircs Angeles, California.