1 minute read

Here's Many Hrppy Returns of the Dry

To that huskg one gear old

Whose eaes u)ere opened to VISIOIV

Whose teeth were cut on PRACTICAL IDEAS

And zpho usalks hand-in-hand u:ith SERI/ICE

The California Lumber Merchant


It is not our birthday but we are at the party eeJUST A LITTLE BETTER" hols mad,e us grou).

OUR SERI/ICE ho,s dcliuered SATISFACTION with eaery load WHAT ISSERVICE?

It Is What We Owe To Others

We hanse all been an erpense to someone before ue reaehed the age of self support. Our parents, our neighbors, ou,r schools and our nation haue all giaen us ccrre, patience and protection.

Now that we are past the birthd.a|ts ot'd.epend,ence arc d,o owe the world. SER YICE:- the best that we can giae in return. whether zt be lumber, or labor, or lightening some heaag laad. IIII

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