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Newsy News Fro.m-^'' P"o"'
European Architects Pleased With American Plans
Home builders and architects of Continental Europe have received with much favor the American tvoe of cottages and bungalows as exemplified in the prenitr edition of the 'Southern Pine Association's .popular house plan book, "Modern Homes," according to'infbrmation receivecl from Georges Benoit-Levy of Paris, director of the French Society of Garden Cities.
'Ihe. organization of which Mr. Benoit-Levy is director, recently published, r,vith the permission and cooperation of the Southern Pine Association. a French edition of "Modern Homes," under the title of "Countr\r Houses Without Upper Story and Bungalows." The French edition was designed for distribution throughout Eurpoe, the small. onestory American type of home being considered an innovation in those countries.
'lhe ,communication from Mr. Beoit-Levv stated that distribution of the French edition of "Modein Homes" in Europe has begun under most au,s,picious circumstan,ces; that it is rapidly becom,ing popular with home builders and that the Swiss and French architects have received the new publication with great favor. Among the notables who have become interested in the plan book and wh'o have procured copies, said Mr. Benoit-Levy, are the Director of Public Works of Cairo, Egypt, and the private secretary to Princess Andre de Grece, indicating that types of American Cottages and Bungalows probably will shortly be part of the scenery of the Old World.
Gibson Lumber Company Operating Yard At Brea
The Gibson Lumber Company is operating under its own name the retail yard which they recently purchased at Brea, from The Brea Lumber Company. J. H. Sweetwood is in charge
Changes In Wilfred Cooper Lumber Company
Mr. Howard Curran, formerly in the sales department of the E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles, has purchased the interests formerly held bv other Southern ealifornia lumbermen, in the Witfred Coop.r Lumber Company, wholesalers at Los Angeles.
New Yard Opens At Stockton
The Falconbury Lumber Co'mpany recently opened for business on Stockton Street. Stockton.
I\[r. W. H. Falcontrury is the president of the company and Mr. Fred J. McKane, vice president. Mr. Falconbury is an old lumberman, being for several years manager of the Chas. Nelson yard.s in the Sacramento and Santa Clara valleys, and prior to that was engaged in the retail game at Fresno. Mr. McKane was formerly assistant manager of the Simpson Gray Lumber Company. They have Lstablished an attractive plant and report very satisfactory progTess.
Hardwood Flooring
Architects Now Specify Arkansas Oak Flooring
It will pay you to carry Arkansas Oak Flooring in stock. Architects, contractors and builders have found over a long period of years that greatest satisfaction has come from "Perfection" Brand Oak Flooring. Their specifi- cations more often call for "Perfectiont' than any other one brand.
You can build a greater volume of business on ,,perfection." All stock is gniformly graded, and perf ectly matched. Two large mills enable ui to assure you prompt delivery. Our national advertising campaign in the leading home lovers mag_azine is c^reating-bigger interist in the-super- iority of "Perfection" Brand. Write for full information.
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