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Luvrsnrt AND ffurr.nrxc M^o,TERrAL N{nncHANTS
Phone Glendale 49
Gr-pNuALB, Crr,rr'.
Lunbernen's Service Assn., 40+5-6-7 Fay Building, Los Angeles, CaIif.
Dear Sirs:- surely the productiveness of your service is such that everyprogressive Building Material Merchant in the South and West should be ippfying it. Our five years.experience shows conclusively thatit is tir-e iost inportant departnent of our business and we want you to know we thoroughiy appreoiate your efforts and the wonderful service you render.
We want to thank you for your cooperation and timely assistance in connection with our recent display at the Glendale Industrial Exposition.
The attractive hand colored posters, pictures and plans furnished a most pleasing background to the 27 PrLze-winning niniature bungalows construbted foi us by the school children of Glendale in a contest recently Put on bY us.
Your photographio plan service was conveniently arranged for interested hbne U[ilders to inspect and study; they were constantly in use and because of the large and conplete variety of practical building ideas and infornation conveyed they created nost favorable conment.
It was through these photographic plans that we were able to get interested hone builders to connit thenselves_ regarding their intEntions and desires. This infornation we carefully noted in a register and they will be followed up. .Fac-h of these prospective buflders were presented with a copy of the handsongly illustrated Bungalow Book which you created for us and-unquestionably they are goiig to prove to be the very best piece of advertising we have ever put out.
Very truly yours,
GEO. H. BENTLEY, Secy-Treas.
Progress is evidenced by the passing of the hand. Today is the age of the brain, of industrial accomplishment by mechanical means; of production in quantities for centuries undreamed of.

The return to hand operations would be to push back civilization a thousand years. All industry is today working towards a future of all machine operations intelligently directed by highly skilled mechanics. The day of making things by hand, that can be better and more accurately built by machinery, is past never to return.
We who are in business today are witnessing the passing of the hand. The great achievements of machine production afford more profits, greater time for recreation; the opportunity for higher development.