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Yr I at 7r r nipolito Family a tne
Machinery produces every part of the Hipolito family. OnIy those operations for which no machine has been perfected aie done by hand.
This enables ue to guarantee a etandard of accuracy which may be compared only to that of high $salg machino eteel work. Accuracy ie not a matter of guese work with us. It is poeitive. Five inspectione of eapb piece during its progress through our plant, assures the rigid maintenance of these eetablighed standards. ,
Hipolito Stock Size Wind,ow Screerus,
The ecreene that have become famoue for their "corners of strength."' in 150 different etock eizea, or can be had in special gizee or deeigns ae deeifed; embody the highest type of work",anehip and material. The frames are of selecto{ California Sugar Pine, the Ecreen cloth ie double galvanized and held in place in d groove beneath the flueh moulding. The beet tcreent we know how to make,"embodti ing twenty yeare experience in this line.
Hipolito Screen Doors.
In every detail of workmanship and material thege are the equal of the Eipolito Screens. Made in etanit ard deeigne of wire cloth covered, or with the three panel bottom, and may be had in epecial deoig4e to mcct' architects reguirements.
' A feature of thee€ doors ie that t[e ecreen wire placed on the door under. even teneion by machinery b hcld in place by a motal rod concealed beneath the fluah moulding, thue avoiding the use of large tacL.s.