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Cabofs Creosote Stained Shingles
The neweet member of our *familyt', and one that bids fair to goon become one of the moet popular. Over 75% of the ehingle roofe used in the East arc dipp"d shingle roofs.
. There are'many advantages. The creoeote etain thoroughly permeatee the kiln dried shingle, abso' lutely preventing d"y rot of the unexposed portion, and preventing splitting and warping of the weather exposed end. In addition to which, the Cabot's Creosote Stain has unusually durable colors; in fact it is reliably reported that one may expect from 5 to 10 years service from these shingles before they need re-staining.
In stock in six standard colors-2 reda, greeno gray and 2 browns, ready for immediate delivery. Special ' , eolore can be prepared on ycry short notice.
: ' Machine Dipped C,obot's Creosotc Snined Shinglcs ' are the lowest priee shingln roof you canbuy-Ask us!