2 minute read
Purely Personal
Mr. Aloysius Hanify of the J. R. Hanify Company was a recdnt visitor in Los Angeles. While there he headquartered at the company's offi'ces in the Central Bldg.
The J. R. Hanify Company sells large quantities-of lumber in- California- and etse*hete, tttiitttiining offrces in Portland', San Frarcisco and Iros Angeles. They sell "Everything in West Coast Forest Products."
H. E,. Hunt, of the E. J. Dodge Co., San Francisco, has returned to San Francisco after a two'weeks business trip that included Chicago and the l\tississippi Valley. He said that he experienced some real hot weather in Chicago, so was naturally glad to get back to San Francisco Bay. again. He returnecl west over the southern route' stopping off a few days at Los Angeles. He was accompanied by Mrs. Hunt on his trip.
Charles S. Dodge, of the E. J. Dodge Co. of San Francisco, is on a weekl trip to the company's mill at Newburg, California. It has been rumored that the fis'h are biting in fine shape in the Eel River, and as Mr. Dodge is very fond of the great outdoor life, he will no dotrbt take the rod and linJalong. John A. Stroud, Jr., cement and pipe manufacturer of Bikersfield, is making the trip with him.
Buckley Boosts Lumber Merchant
Los Angeles, California, J:une 20th,1923.
Mr. Tack Dionne, Publisher, The -California Lumber Merchant, Fay Building, Los Angeles, California.
Dear Friend:-
I have read your Journal irom kiver to kiver, from the first issue, and-alwals look forward eagerly to it-s arrival.
I u'ish to express my appreciation on this, its first anniversary, of tne splendid issistance it is giving.fellows in the fieid who are reall,y trying to improve the home 'merchandising business.
Your mlssage is clear and plain and you show c-onclusivelv that a lumber yard is not the highest tvpe of commerc'ial institution, callitrg the attention to the fact that to .be a merchandiser of thJloveliest thing in the world is a great privilege; you tell the truth as you see it without fear or favor.
I believe ttr,at any sane man or woman who is forward looking would say ihat any issue. is worth Two Dollars as inspiralion diet-that besides being -a. true guide to som.e of the finest firms and 'markets for high type products, it also directs one's thoughts and endeavors to higher planes of usefultness.
Mrs. Connor's "Tribe of Ad." is a splendid thought provoker, and hundreds of other articles have cheered me on'
Miss Brey's contributions show men which wal to goand with t:he poems and stories your Journal is a feast of rnental luxuries.
\['ishing you and yours many happy returns of the day, Iam
Yours very truly,
T. E. Whitmer, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, the genial head of the Wrhitmer-Jackson Company, well known manufacturers of white pine doors and windows, has been a recent visitor in Los Angeles. He has been calling on the trade ir company with Mark W. Lillard, his representative in Southern Caiifornia. He reports that business with his firm is mighty fine.
The last issue of The California Lumber Merclirant announced the fact that The International Mahogany & Trading Corporation, importers and manufacturers of Tobasco *ahoga"y, had opened a western sales office in San Francisco, in the Hobart Building.
The manager of that office Mr. J. O. Elmer, formerly of New Orleans, and for many years one of the best known lumber association men of the South. He was Secretary and. Manager for years of the Gulf Coast Lu'mber Exporters' Association, and an authority on the exporting of Southern Pine for many years. He has been living in California for two years, and is now getting well acquainted with the iumber trade. He is an excellent gentleman who has been kn,own intimately to The California Lumber Merchant for yeafs.