1 minute read
An All Shingle Home
.LIVING ROOM.I 8:O"r l1!0' I
Tnid crr|a 16 ,ill ,.lL .Dd ,@, ., riinrilo. Thcu ruye&fultycot d d6fu obodiod inro toth tlF 6trio. .!d inrci<,i of tl6 .od.l lro., vtriD *it| ulo rtrog rpgorlr fc ifr .dofd6rf. e. ,of rtr$ rnd bqo c $.int d dah it rtbrcdw rad aw o ei66c tlF m;c irhF-..d ,a till b. vith rhi. adollwpL..
All of tlr m & lufc.!d Ell cbad, rad by no ot rt- ert& hdl, borhbod m litchoraddidry m ue fnirhcddiat elrc do rirh fiL
W. rht to G.ll y@ .D*i.t.ftofia to tlF .F. ciu cw ovced porchwlich clmir wirh rhr gcpb&iw.