1 minute read
See The Dealer First
Many a retail lumberrnan is losing sales because he is fighting alone; fighting a losing game and tryrng to swim up stream when it would be FAR EASIER AND MORE PRODUCTIVE TO SWIM WITH THE CURRENT.
First of all, it is, of oourse, necessnry to detenrraine the WANTS of the majority of those who buy building material or purchase it in its cornplded forrn The success of any retail enterprise depends upo'n the donsumers and their attitude. If that attitude is wrong it MUST BE COR-, RECTED, and if it is right, then it should be USED to the best advantage.
The attitude of the average prospective home 'owner today is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT regarding his action in desiring SUGGESTIONS, SERVICE and COMPLETED PRICES on his building BUT his attitude or HABIT of going over the lumberman's head to secure tlrese SUGGESTIONS, this SERVICE and the COMPLETED PRICES is ABSOLUTELY WRONG. IT MUST BE CORRECTED.
There is no logicd excuse why the contractors of any community should be recognized as inf'ormstion bureaus in regard to designs, floor plans, correct arrangem€nts, ventilation, sanitation, correct lighting, etc. It is DESIRABLE to have thern capable of giving tlris inforrnation, but the HIGHEST AUTHORITY should be the LUMBER MAN HIMSELF. Otherwise, ttre conitractorq regardless of their investments and business abilitg are the more valuable assets to their communities.
There are a thousand arguments why the prospectivc builders should ,go to the lumber office first. These reasons are obvious and very well known to all modern deal' ers. It goes without saying that the contraqtor should be called upon the scene AFTER the lumber dealer has SOLD A BUILDING IDEA.
These questions naturally arise: "How can ttris change be brougtrt about? IIow can this attitudc on the part of the building material consumer be changed?'n
First" by lettting these same consumers know that you are equipped to give them a REAL BUILDING SERVICE; by telling them'through the colums of your local newspaper, sign boards, printed circulars or |etters that YOU and YOUR CONCERN can RENDER EFFICENT assistance, can give HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS AND ADVICE in connection with ttreir building wants. Ask them to call and see your hundreds of designs, foor plans and photographs. Show tlrem the importance of building from CORRECT ARCHITECTURAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. STIMULATE A DESIRE for bulilding arnd repairing befo,re the prospects realize they are in the market and thus ELIMNATE COMPETITION.
Then, when these interested prospects call at your office, DEMONSTRATE YOUR ABILITY tO..DELIVER THE GOODS."