1 minute read
Sell More HARDWOOD FililSH
Think it
It is easier to row a boat with the stream going your way. Today there is a tendency to Build Better Homes. One indication of this is the lncreasing popularity of HARDWOOD INTERIOR FINISH.
NOW is the time to think, talk, advertise and SELL more Hardwood Interior Finish. Show prospective builders that it means but a few hundred feet of Hardwood to 6nish the main foors of a home, and the cost but little more than soft woods.
The undersigned lumber 6rms are cooperating in an effort to Help All Lumber Dealers and Planing Mills in thisterritoryto sell MORE Hardwood finish.
A word from you to your patrons-a bit of advertising in your local paper, will find response in greater sales. Try it.
We are maintaining a Hardwoods Exhibit on the 6th floor of the Metropolitan Building for the benefit of builders, lumber dealers and others who rnay contemplate building. Take your clients and customers there to see the exhibit. It will aid them in determining what kinds of Hardwoods they want.
E. J. Stanton & Son
C.'W. Bohnhoff
Calif. Panel & Veneer Co.
Western Hardw'd Lbr. Co.
American Hardwtd Co.
\ry'. E. Cooper Lbr. Co.
Los Angeles, California