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b E. E. WHITE, Folsom, California Secretaryt Sacramento Valley Lumberrnens Club
The subject of Cancelling Orders was brought up recently in a small gathering of retailers and the interesting fact brought out during the discussion dras, that every man present had had numerous experiences and was curious to know what the other fellow would do in a like situation.
This subject was discussed quite freely during and right after the recent war and while the Talk has subsided, the Practice of canceling orders arnd the non-delivery on a rising market it still prevalent.
Just this week a certain dealer canceled four cars of material for the following reasons: one car of sheathing was surfaced to 3/+" while 13-16" surfacing dered, one car of the same material was not ers expectations, one car of rough clear was
I wonder what the dealer would have done who refused to arccep,t the car because it was a week overdue, had it been nine months overdue which was the age of a delivery we just received, and we are still looking for two cars that are now eight months.past due.
A car of clears we had ordered on a rising mirket during 1919 advanced $3O.00 per'M ft. ancl t'hen slid below the purchasing price before delivery. I{ere the dealer is injured.
.had been orup to the dealrejected as he claimed it to be air dried when kil,n dried was ordered a'nd the fourth car was refused because it was delivered a week later than promised.
Three of the above cars were taken.into a conrpetitors yard at an unsolicited reduction under the market, on account of the rejection, a:rd proved to be generally a nice lot of lumber and it would seem that the manufacturer or wholesaler in this instance, had a grievience.
There are instances without nttmber where both the rnanufacturer, wholesaler and retailer are taking advantage of one another, all for the reason of a {ew dollars, ignoring prirnciple and reputation, getting rvhile the getting is good and forgetting, leaving the matter of principle out of it intirely. that conditions can change and even reverse over' night.
I believe the remedy, for these clespicable practices. is continual hammering at the offenders thru clubs, associations and lumber journalg, appealirg eventually to their sense of justice and princiPle.
An occasional editorial by a poJtular lumber journal with a fearless policy such as the California l-umber Merchant should be a big help'in correcting this evil.
Hardwoods oF Quality AND Variety
We can ehip you straight or mixed carr of tfre materials lirted here. You can put many necessitiee in a single car. We manufachrre all thie stocl( ourselye!. You know the quality of *drkaruat hardwoodc. Pricec or inforrnation gladly furniehed.